Ladies, when do you shower? In the evening, morning or at some other time? Why?

  1. If I’m working when I get home. If not in the morning. Like feeling fresh, but working in a kitchen not much point full shower wash before

  2. In the morning and before bed. Can’t wake up without the morning shower and can’t sleep without the evening shower

  3. I shower in the evening.
    Cause I like to feel clean when I go to bed and let my hair air dry over night.

    I dont have the discipline to get up early, shower, blow dry my hair and get out.
    I rather step out of the door filthy…
    I’m no morning person…

  4. Depends on how tired I am. I prefer to shower in the evenings, but when you accidentally get on the wrong bus and your trip home takes two extra hours… Yeah, just go to sleep and deal in the morning.

  5. Majority of the time in the evenings- I live in a house with 4 others and so I try to shower at the least busiest times….plus I’m lazy and don’t want to get up early to shower

  6. The shameful truth is, that I am usually showering at lunch time, because I am running around in the morning doing house chores, then I quickly have to get to my WFH job, then around lunch time I decide to take a longer break and that’s where I usually feel like showering and putting on actual cloths.

  7. I usually work out in the morning before work, so I have a quick 1 min shower pretty much just to rinse off and in the evening I have a longer shower.

  8. I shower once in the morning and night. I just like being clean. 🧼

  9. If I have to be somewhere early, it’s gotta be in the morning. My hair is usually too oily and messy to not wash it. If I’m working from home, then usually around dinner time.

  10. In the morning after I work out and in the evening before bed. I can’t go to bed dirty.

  11. I usually work out right after work, so shower after that. I have long hair and try to avoid blow drying it, so can’t wash it in the morning and I like it to be at least kind of dry when I go to bed (takes a couple of hours for it to dry).

  12. Depends on the day for me.

    Typically Morning and night but I prefer before work more than anything.

  13. In summer I shower in the morning as the sun is out bright an early. Winters I prefer showering late afternoon to avoid showering in the cold (we don’t really use heaters in South Africa )

  14. On weekdays- morning before work, I’d feel dirty going to work without having a shower, on weekends I shower in the afternoon because I start work in the evening

  15. I prefer to shower before bed, but, due to needing to be there for my parents, I had to limit it to when they’re out of the house, so it’s usually early to mid-day.

  16. As someone who lives in a scorching hot tropical country, both morning and evening and sometimes even at midday during weekends. Because it’s freaking hot here. After showering you’re not really sure if the droplets on your body are water or newly formed sweat lmao

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