Hi! So I’ve always been attracted to men sexually/romantically and although I don’t think im into women romantically but I am sometimes very turned on by them.

I am more sexually attracted to men in genral but sometimes I imagine and masturbate to having sex with a woman. I get really horny for women sometimes lol

  1. Here is what the authorities seem to say: Fantasies are not reality and merely masturbating to a female does not make a lady bisexual. You are obviously attracted to men and I gather that you have acted upon that in some ways. So your sexuality regarding men is not a question. A large percentage of men don’t have any concern about a lady who is bi or may be bi, so whether you are or not shouldn’t impact your relationship with men.

  2. I’ll just ask: what difference does a label make? Call yourself what you want. And act on it how you want as long as it’s consensual. Don’t worry about categories.

  3. It’s up to you how you to choose to label if any at all.

    I’m always attracted to men. Occasionally I’m attracted to women. I am happily married and will prob never be with a woman.

    But for me I choose to identify as bisexual.

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