Eg. getting better haircuts or dressing better

  1. Time is the key factor. Ironing all my clothes, blow drying my hair, getting ready properly and being well rested.

    So if I could just pay someone to do all those things I genuinely would.

  2. My mirror and I already accepted the fact that I am at the peak of manliness, so no reason to change something-

  3. If I was infinitely wealthy I’d work less and hit the gym more.

    Haircuts and designer jeans are just lipstick on the pig if you’re a ball of goo – and you don’t really want the kind of woman who knows or cares how much your shoes cost.

  4. Ummmm if money wasn’t an issue I’d probably have some better fitting clothes. I tend to do all I can with gym/ haircuts and skin routines and such. I guess clothes would really be all I could improve on. I’ve been getting the same haircut since freshman year of college so maybe explore something new in that area but for the most part I enjoy the way I look

  5. I’d get liposuction, buy steroids, get a hairdresser, go to a trainer thrice a week, have a nutritionist, and get the best skincare possible.

  6. Still having a strict workout schedule, and eventually more and healthier sleep.

  7. Wouldn’t be above some light plastic surgery to get that conventionally attractive look basically whatever the hell a Chad’s meant to look like for a biracial dude

  8. Hire a personal trainer and increase my intake


    I would like to look like Gigachad

  9. Nothing. Money isn’t an issue and I still dress like a broke bitch with dirt/greased stained shirts and 3 year old basketball shorts with a haircut every 3 months. Buy right now I’m going on 4 or 5 months without a cut

  10. I’d hire Elon Musk’s or Joel McHale’s hair transplant team

    Also bring in a cook and a nutritionist to make sure I eat healthier and help me lose weight

  11. We all got to make the most of what we’ve got

    Hit the gym, read some books…

    When it comes to your overall presentation, it doesn’t have to cost a fortune. Just learn the basics of color/fabric/fit for your skin tone and physical build and keep your hygiene right.

  12. Meh? I could afford to do more than I do on that kinda stuff. It just isn’t much of a priority for me.

    If money wasn’t an issue I could quit working which would jump working out and cooking more often higher on my priority list. More a health thing but it would have an impact.

  13. I’d walk around with big wads of cash. Chicks dig dudes who have a lot of money.

  14. Personal trainer and personal chef, like movie stars basically. It’s too hot where I live to wear fitted pants, shoes, long-sleeve shirts, or suits all the time, otherwise I might do that.

  15. Have my barber shape up my beard every 2-3 days instead of doing it myself and just getting him to do it for special occasions, getting better but nowhere near the level a professional would do.

  16. Not all that much, would maybe get some professional trainers, cooks and dieticians but no surgery.

  17. Buy better clothes and takeout healthy meals. I work shifts and it’s hard as hell to meal prep. There is a place that serve healthy food but they are pricey.

    Also, premium gym membership and MMA lessons.

  18. Hit the gym more and get a good PT along with a nutritionist and a chef to get in great shape! Have my ears pinned back (always hated the way they stick out). Get my teeth fixed and get the perfect Hollywood smile. Afford to go to the barbers to get a fresh cut and beard trim on a weekly basis. Probably wouldn’t go overboard with designer clothes or anything but a couple of nice suits would probably be my go to!

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