I’m a extremely short White male at 5’4. I realize that a lot of women especially short women hate short men. I’ve been told that I would be more attractive if I was tall. I even feel suicidal cause of it but I resist the urge as best that I can. The only short guys that I see in relationships are Hispanic guys but Hispanic women don’t care that much about height whereas other races do but I’m happy for them

  1. It’s not worth pursuing people who aren’t at least attracted to your height. I’m sure you’ll find someone whose right for you if you look elsewhere

  2. Don’t worry about height. Your appearance is probably what’s holding you back.

  3. Here’s the thing, women can sense your desperation. It might not even be your height

  4. It is harder for short men. I’m guessing it’s due to the toxic positivity that people have a problem saying that.

    But after we acknowledge that, we have to focus on what we can control. Clearly it’s not height, so focus on maxing out the rest of your stats. You can take a break. That’s perfectly valid. But use that time to improve yourself. Because you are starting from a disadvantage, and it is in your best interest to utilize every possible tool at your disposal

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