Was it big news over there? It was probably the biggest news story of 2022 so far, at least in the US

  1. I never heard that name, tbh. So I’d say the case is pretty much unkown over here

  2. I only heard about it from reddit. It would be kinda odd if it were big news over here. Like it’s a sad story, but there’s people going missing everywhere all the time.

  3. It was in the news in Finland, but at least I thought it as just another disappearance in USA. So many people disappear there all the time, but only a few make it to the news for some reason. I don’t get it, but in reality don’t really care. It doesn’t affect my life in ant way, and happened very far away from here.

  4. It did reach local news in Estonia!

    It was only well-known among young people consuming American media, though.

    But funnily enough, I teach second year uni students (most are 20-21 years old) and mentioned this case in regards to domestic violence. Something like 3/4 of the students knew the story.

  5. Not any major reactions? Most people here have no idea who that is. Newspapers made some articles here and there but nothing else really.

  6. No news at all. I only knew about it through reddit and other American-centric websites.

    I’m pretty sure the biggest story of 2022 is WAR IN EUROPE.

  7. I had to check because i heard nothing about it. But i’m not frequent media watcher in Poland, so there could be some informations about it that escaped my attention.

  8. Never heard of him/her I’m afraid and don’t think it made the headlines here.

  9. I’ve seen some articles on Italian newspapers and UK ones. Definitely not as many as on US ones

  10. Never heard the name before. After a quick Google, I can’t see any reason why I would have.
    While it is a personal tragedy for the family (of course), it is just one of hundreds of such cases. There is absolutely nothing newsworthy about this specific case.

  11. I searched the archives of the NOS, the biggest public news outlet here in The Netherlands – there were quite some articles in September and October about this case.

  12. There were a few articles in the “world news” sections, but it was far from big. I mean, why would it be.

  13. It was on some social medias news and some local news chanels so some of us have heard about it but it’s was not a huge news on tv.. why would it be? It’s a very very sad event and the fact the boyfriend hide made is “bigger” in news but to be honest, they are a lot of girl/women killed by boyfriend/husband so… and it’s from an other continent.

    Plus she had few/no followers here.

  14. You know there is a WAR in Europe, so unless there is a school shooting with a higher kill count than the past hours in the Donbas we do not care all that much about US news at the moment (maybe a bit interest in the Jan. 6th commission as that might have an effect on the war). So unless a destroyed T-72 is involved I don’t care about news too much at the moment.

  15. I had to google it because I’ve never heard of it. Still don’t get why was it a “main story”?

  16. It was on the news for a day or two.
    For the common person it was labeled as just another “American thing”, the same with the Uvalde shooting.

  17. It was quite big actually for what it was. All news reported about it for some time.

  18. I kinda have a hard time believing that this was a bigger news story than the Russian Invasion of Ukraine.

    I mean its sad, but I don’t get what’s so special about her.

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