Soo there’s this chick in my university I reallyyyy like. I come across absolutely cute chicks like this very rarely, and I genuinely like her. I would like to ask her out, but idk how I should do it. I met her a week ago, the next day I talked to her face to face for about half an hour. We’ve been texting but her replies are kinda faint. Also possible cuz we have a lot of assignments rn. I was going to the gym so I saw her today, I was gonna pop the question of us meeting later on, but she was with a group and I kinda froze there idky. What should I do? I genuinely like her, please give tips

1 comment
  1. I also suspect she might have a bf. But she’ll eventually break up( relationships are a joke in my uni I swear) I actually was talking to her today( while going to the gym as I mentioned) and I suspect she might have a hickey, which kinda freaked the fuck outta me( I get freaked when these rare cute chicks that I come across, are with someone else)

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