I work in retail and have to deal daily with a number of people being rude to me. I usually get really angry over this, but I can’t give a rightfully answer as my company has the police of “the customer is always right” and I might be fired if I answer accordingly.
Now here is the real problem: I get really fucking angry when this happens. And I can’t move past it. I keep relieving the moment in my head and I continue to be angry even days later. This is eating me up from the inside.
I need some advice on how to just ignore it. How to simply don’t care about random people treating costumer service workers like garbage.
This job is slowly killing me but I need to hold on to it as I have bills to pay. (I’m already looking for other options but things are just awful right now).

Ps: I also get really angry about people being rude in general. Not just to me, but to anyone. I don’t know where this comes from. It’s just something that really gets to me. I really need advice.

  1. Meditation and deep breathing techniques have personally helped me 100fold with my ability to manage anger and frustration. Have u tried them? (I find the box breathing technique particularly effective in calming me down)

  2. Have you ever tried to say “pardon?” Or “I’m sorry I didn’t quite catch that”?

    I’m not sure If I translate that well, but essentially most people would not repeat their rude behaviour.

    For your mindset: when I imagine something like “what if they are at wits end because they or a family member are having cancer in final stadium?”, I’m instantly less aggressive. You can’t change other people, but you can alter your perspective.

    Also, I don’t want to return to retail after baby timeout, so take my advice with a grain of salt. People suck

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