Hi! I’m [25M] currently on Humira and have been with my 1st sexual partner [24F] for 2 months. She has vaginismus so we’ve only really done oral and hand stuff. We have had some P-V contact.

She’s my 1st sexual partner but I think I’m her 2nd or 3rd. She asked me today if I had my HPV vaccine which I’m now realizing that is the one shot my mom stopped me from getting due to possible side-effects…

I’m planning on getting it now but I guess my question would be is it already a lost cause in this relationship? Would we most likely have given it to each other if we had it? I’m really frustrated that I didn’t speak up against it when I was younger and now put me and my gf in this position.

  1. The current HPV vaccine covers the 9 most dangerous strains of HPV, responsible for over 90% of the cancers caused by HPV.

    Even if she passed you one or two of the 9 covered by the vaccine, it would still be worth taking it.

    If she passed you one of the more than 200 strains not covered by vaccine, by taking the vaccine you would still be lowering your HPV caused cancer chances by more than 90%.

  2. Not a lost cause. If she is your first partner than there is no risk of you exposing her to anything. If you aren’t her first, then she could have potentially exposed you to hpv. Keep in mind, there are >150 strains of hpv. About 50 of those affect the genital areas. Only a selected few of those pose serious risk (cancer). Get your shots, have ur gf get her pap annually (they screen for the virulent strains of hpv). All will be okay.

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