32 M here in a major city. After spending the last year working on myself and taking a break from OLD, got back into it a month ago.

I have the ability to get a couple of dates a week now. I always have fun, but I feel like I could do better. I get better quality dates irl, but that’s harder to find during the pandemic. OLD gives me more quantity and someone I’m really interested in every now and then. Never had more than a casual relationship that lasted a month or two off there though.

Just updated my profiles after a bunch of weight loss, and a second opinion is always helpful!

Including some alternate pics as well. Honestly leaning towards paying someone to take better pics once my weight is down to my final goal. I bribe my friends with beer/food but quality varies.

P.S. I know the type of texter prompt is frowned upon, for good reason. Curious if I maybe created an actually decent response here lol. Very open to switching these though!




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Extra pics (don’t like these at all lol):

Extra pics

Thanks for your feedback!

  1. Hey! I think you could choose a better first pic, maybe the suit one or the ‘as seen on my mom’s fridge’ one. Your other pictures aren’t terrible, but to me it looks like you’re wearing clothes that are too big for you from your old size, or they’re just less flattering angles.

    I liked your hinge profile better, I felt like I got a pretty good sense of you from it. Good luck!

  2. Honestly, not bad.

    Idea of getting professional shots done when you’re ready is good.

    Try and get one of you doing a sporting activity, or something adventurous. (Bungee jump, top of a mountain after hike, skiing, etc).

    Also, maybe one pic of you with your friends doing a fun activity or just having fun. (Don’t make it your first pic obvs)

  3. Hi! Your bumble profile is great! Esp the perfect first date bit. Lol I’d sign up for that. But you misspelled ‘restaurant’ in the very first sentence so pls fix that. I also like that the sushi pic is first, cuz when I first read you learned how to make sushi I was like- no way pfftt- but the pic is right there, so that helps.

    Hinge – nice but the “cooking for you” sounds insincere. Maybe say cooking for friends or cooking for myself and others. Idk. For You when you don’t even know that person sounds cheesy and is a bit of a turn off for me personally.

    Extra pics- i like the one in the blue shirt actually! You look great, shows off the tatts. Maybe edit skin tone to look sliiiightly less red (should be a breeze since you know photoshop lol)

    Good luck and hope you find your person!

  4. I like the photo of the blue button up short sleeve. I’d add that in the rotation. You can see you a bit more clearly than in other photos.

  5. I agree with what the previous posters have said. The “for you” part of cooking sounds a bit weird, just drop those 2 words. Also agree with the clothes looking too big, pants specifically.

  6. Hey, man! I like your profiles and your pictures. You are smiling, you are keeping an open posture (on most of them), and you are doing what you like (which reflects who you are).

    I would definitely advise to not include pictures with sunglasses or arms crossed (or any other closed posture).

    I do not agree with some of the previous comments regarding your clothes. I would say to keep it as it is, that is how you dress, that means that is who you are.

    My only concern is that you have not talked much about your values. You have placed a lot of emphasis on interests and activities, which is good, but what matters to you in a relationship? What is important to you in a long-term partnership? The juicy stuff is what you are missing. After all, a good relationship is based on having common values. So that is definitely something you could add.

    Best of luck, man!

  7. Looks pretty good. Usually when I see a well educated guy mentioning cats and cooking I automatically swipe right. Good luck!

  8. I’m by no means an expert, but I think your profile is great! On bumble, I would just change the two typos in your first line and maybe swap the first pic with another that shows your face more. I think the last two pics in your extra pics are good too

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