she slid in my dms and made the first move. we ended up going on snapchat to text. I asked her when she’s free she said she’s always free after 5. i asked her out on a specific day and time she said she’s down. the day of she starts acting weird doesn’t text me till past noon. i asked her if she’s still down for the date. she says what time. reminded her the time and she just left me on open. i didn’t bother to text her anymore i know how this goes. 2 days pass by and she sends me a snap selfie. i’m thinking she wants validation and attention so i just send one back too saying goodnight since it was late. she says nighty night and i just left her on open. it’s been 2 days. did i make a good choice here?

  1. You fed her ego I would’ve initially left her on read and never replied but you can still do that in the future when she wants your attention again. Starve her. She deserves it 😈

  2. Absolutely made the right choice. Ain’t nobody got time for games. Either they want you or they don’t. 🙂 Good job!

  3. probably needed some attention or some shit.
    i was in the similar situation, just left her on read, she didnt text me at all from then lol

  4. You absolutely made the right choice. It doesn’t sound like you’re wrong on any of this, she just wants online validation, like you say. You don’t need crap people like that. You leaving her on read would have hurt her ego too haha

  5. Can we have more posts like this where men get to see other men know their worth and stop chasing validation queen’s.

    Gentlemen take a lesson here, know your worth, stop wasting your time on women who want you to.

  6. Naw homie you fucked up by saying goodnight!! You should have went cold on her the minute she flaked on your date without reason. Our time is very valuable and when someone doesn’t give you the respect to communicate means they don’t really care so why would you!! Simple as that! Stay up Kings!!! 🫡🫡🦈🦈🦈👑👑👑

  7. Yeah bro, she definitely just wants attention. Her flaking on you and not even providing a reason or apology is just disrespectful, just forget her.

  8. I understand anxiety and stuff can make you flake but it takes 2 seconds to let someone know you ain’t up for it.

    Girl has no respect. Just enjoys the attention. Wouldn’t waste the effort in attempting to meet again so I think you did the right thing.

  9. Yeah always reciprocate what you get. She doesn’t reply and acts weird, you do the same and on to the next. She may have social anxiety, she may have got cold feet, you could try and communicate but since you have no history together it isn’t really necessary.

  10. Yes, good job. Don’t be a simp and entertain this girl. Know your worth. In her mind she’s like “oh im making him overthink things, he’s gonna reach out even after i left him on read hehe”. But now she’s the one that’s overthinking things and getting upset.

  11. you made a good choice.

    you asked her out and she agreed, and then she backed out on it without even explaining anything.

    you’re fine to go on and not interact with her.

  12. I recently heard a saying “she’s not yours, it’s just your turn” and it’s been weighing on me lately

    So whenever some girl stops replying to me I just assume someone else has her attention now and I stop pursuing that

  13. Girls that slide in my IG DMS who then proceed to request a switch to snap have always been a red flag to me through my experiences tbh. I let them know that I prefer ig instead and then they magically lose interest lol.

  14. From my experience in dating I always ask for the number instead of the snap. I’ve learned this after trying to date for three years. Snaps are generally more flaky, easier to ghost, and sometimes girls just send “streak” photos to boost their snap scores, however with texts I’ve found women to be more reliable and have succeeded in follow through with going out on dates.

  15. Most will tell you that you did the right thing because this minimizes time wasted on someone who did not give you the response you wanted. I agree with them for the most part, but there’s really no reason not to see her again or text her. Just treat it like anything that happens is a bonus. Don’t get attached. Don’t have expectations, just be patient and see where it goes. This behavior is pretty much standard for online dating…

    Minimal effort on her part yields minimal effort from you. She does not seem that into you but neither did my now ex and we were together for 3.5 years.

  16. Did you say anything to her about it first? Like hey just wondering if you are still interested because you having been texting as much and I won’t waste our time if you aren’t?

  17. Probably pulling you along as an option or just ego boost had that a few times when dating just ignore them and move on especially if she isn’t apologizing and trying to make up a new date.

  18. Absolutely did the right thing. Been there done that. Not worth wasting you’re time over someone who can’t make time for you

  19. Man u did a great thing imo…was in an LDR and what was a casual flirting ended up into liking each other i told her this wouldn’t work but insisted we can try
    2 days age she started ghosting me saying she’s preparing for exams tf man
    Ik this is going to end soon but hope i dont fall into depression

  20. Yeah she’s playing games and wants attention. You decide whatever you want from here on

  21. Should’ve blocked her off everything after she flaked but you should have definitely left her on delivered when she snapped you. Don’t even give her the satisfaction of opening her snap. Ultimately yes you did the right thing, good job having self respect and not pursuing further, you just could have done better.

  22. You didn’t indicate a “where” for your date, but I’ll assume that detail was established. That said, you didn’t bother to show because she didn’t respond after you sent a confirm on the time? Just curious because it seemed that’s what happened. In any event, the fact there was no communications for 2 days from her tells me she no-showed as well, and the selfie tells me you’re hunch is correct. She’s looking for validation and attention, no need to waste time further.

  23. Yeah, man. I’ve been in the same position several times. Don’t bother with people who don’t show up for you. It’s just a waste of time.

  24. getting to know someone through snapchat is the worst. If someone doesn’t give you their number i’ll say they’re not interested

  25. There’s a sad reality that people online prior to meeting just don’t have consideration to prioritize people they don’t know.

    I’ve been inconsiderate before to an online match. Luckily he was kind enough and generous to reach out again and try. We matched very well in person and enjoyed every min we spent together!!

    We had a lot in common, and if he had blown me off we may not have had some of those dates.

    Same goes for a long term partner I had. He flaked a bit on me initially and where normally I’d have blown someone off I didn’t and happy I didn’t!

    It could also result in the opposite a waste of time. Whatever you opt to do is fine. If you choose to re-engage be upfront with them and let them know how you felt being blown off and that it’s not something you’ll hang around for.

    Sometimes assertive communication is the best, and can still allow both parties to proceed. Because again these are strangers after all. They aren’t always going to have the same etiquette or consideration right off the bat.

  26. Good job, don’t waste your time. The last guy I was into flaked on me 3x, and I keep giving him a chance. Then, he ghosted me.

  27. Yup. Only go where you are celebrated, not tolerated. She is just using you for validation.

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