so i was currently in the midst of questioning my sexuality with a slight uncertainty on whether or not im gay, straight, or bi (im a 18m), i was checking porn (as suggest by the internet) to get an idea of what arouses me. when i was watching straight porn im usually guaranteed a boner (as that is what ive been watching my entire life), when i get to gay porn i cant fully tell whether or not im having a semi or soft, it sometimes moves and slights “grows” a bit but then falls back to full soft, i cant tell whether or not the porn arouses me, gay porn never has gotten me fully erect nor semi, and i cant tell whether im actually aroused or not, ive never watched gay porn before for the purposes of getting off when im horny, this is the only thing left that confuses my sexuality

  1. So what has you questioning? Clearly porn isn’t doing it for you so leave that.

    Do you have thoughts/attraction to men in irl?

  2. Honestly… I wouldn’t judge so intently by having a boner or not? I’d say it’s more about if you’re thinking about sexual acts with men at all… What led you to check out gay porn now when you’ve been watching straight most of your life? Curiousity or did something come up that made you want to know more about how you identify?

  3. First off please don’t look to us for answers because we don’t know anything about you. Instead look to yourself. In my experience, sexuality is a bit fluid, and you might change your mind about what you like as you experiment. That all said, I want you to consider the famous psychology experiment called “Pavlov’s dog”. You’re used to being aroused and masturbating when you see a bunch of skin on a screen. In other words, gay porn looks similar to straight porn in a lot of ways, and since straight porn triggers those reactions, gay porn might as well. So instead of basing this on porn, try fantasizing about the process of dating a man and see how that makes you feel.

    As I said I believe sexuality is generally fluid, especially when you’re young and trying new things. You don’t have to decide right now. Also don’t underestimate the power of having a therapist help you sort through your emotions.

  4. Be ware that porn, depending on thr type and on your preferences, can both excite you or promotes anxious states that are more neurodepressive in nature.

    Although both can produce boners, exciting things are the ones we feel positive for us. Neurodepressive are the ones we are afraid might happen to us.

    Use this to evaluate your own response…

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