Asking this because I found an awesome girl and she’s very attractive, but she has the same name as my sister and I just don’t know if I could do that? Super weird question, but figured I’d ask cause I’ve never been told a definitive answer on this.

Edit: shoutout to the dude that recommended me therapy lmao

  1. My experience in serious relationships – you rarely call each other by your given names, anyway. Pet names and terms of endearment often get used. My wife calls me “Love.” Been forever since I heard her say my name, which is okay. Why not see where it goes, and see if you can work in another name or ask her if you can call her by something else if it bothers you. But really….it’s not that big of a deal.

  2. Don’t care, but my sister has a uncommon name anyways. It used to be more common in the 70’s.

  3. This happened to me once.

    My sister has a super-common name, spelled a bit differently, so it was inevitable I would find a girl with the same name. What made it more “interesting” was when I was adding my last name.

    When sounding it out, calling the girl by this name (_her first name + my last name_) was like calling my sister. Not weird, just too familiar.

    _and no, the girl and I did not get married .. even though she was 1 of few where, had we dated seriously, it would have gone the distance_

  4. It doesn’t matter. Mild inconvenience if you are trying to get someone’s attention at family gatherings. Your brain separates the two names even though they are the same.
    The sister with the same name will end up hating them for who they are, not their name. 😉

  5. My friend did it for a while and it seemed fine for him. I don’t think I’d have a problem with it. Just don’t mention your sister’s name until at least a couple dates in.

  6. I can’t fathom why that would bother me, or anybody else for that matter. Haven’t you ever heard the Shakespeare words, “What’s in a name?”

    Aside from formal introductions or greetings, I usually call my GF by some cute pet name, sweetie, honey, sugar, babe, darling, gorgeous, etc.

  7. Not quite on topic, but I keep getting involved with women who have a brother with the same name as me. Oddly enough, they never call out my name. It’s always “Oh, God.”

    But that’s OK. I just bite my tongue to keep from saying, “the penis of Christ compels you”.

  8. Man, I’ll be honest OP, I think these comments are being really fucking harsh.

    I get you. I’d find it a little difficult to get it on with someone who shared one of my sister’s names. I think it’s perfectly fine to be a little weirded out by that, it’s up to you if you think it’s worth it to power through, and it probably will be if you really like the girl.

    Just don’t let these comments make you feel bad just because it makes you’re a little uncomfortable to be referring to someone you have romantic and physical attraction to by the same name as someone you’ve had a strictly platonic relationship with for (pressumably) the majority of your life.

  9. Moaning my sister’s name during sex is odd.

    Just come up with a nickname for your girl and it might be good.

  10. Haha I married one so now they have the exact same name and well, it’s irrelevant isn’t it.

    I don’t think about my wife when I’m fucking my sister if that’s what you’re worrying about.

  11. I don’t have a sister, but, I would love it. I’m horrible with names and it would make it much easier to remember hers.

  12. Dude, my wife has the same name as one of my sisters. It doesn’t bother me since we never call each other by our names

  13. I was lucky enough to pick the name of my sister.

    Then I dated a girl with the same name (not the official name but the name her family called her). It felt like it was written in the stars! Like faith brought us together because I already liked the name to give to my sister.

    We dated for ine years!

  14. You have to give her a nickname or a shorthand-name or some shit and call her that for the rest of your life, until you literally fucking die bro.

    That’s the only way around it.

  15. I could absolutely never date someone with the same name as my sister. The people in these comments flaming you give off sweet home Alabama vibes. I’m sure y’all love moaning your sisters name

  16. Didn’t happen but my sister has one of the two most common names in my country (at that time). Funny thing is that my daughter’s current boyfriend is the second one to share a name with me.

  17. That would just be too weird for me. I’ve already dated (both casually and seriously) a few women with the same name as my step-mother, which my dad and I think is pretty funny, but I can’t see myself gunning for a girl who’d remind me of my sister.

  18. My sisters name is very uncommon. Like I have never met someone with the same name in person. So it would be weird, wouldn’t stop me from dating them if I wanted to, but would just be weird finally meeting someone with her name.

  19. I’m glad my wife wasn’t weirded out that I have the same first name as her father.

  20. Only did it once, and it was more “fling” than “dating.” Never serious, just sex, because we were young and horny.

    Also, while her full first name (Kimberly) was the same as my sister’s, she went by a different shortened version (Kimmi, while my sister is Kim). So maybe that made a little less weird.

    I was kind of peripherally aware that maybe it should feel weird, I guess? But it really didn’t. It wasn’t a big deal.

  21. Means Im much less likely to get caught screaming the wrong name during sex…

  22. Initially it might take some getting used to but people sometimes have the same name after all.

  23. I’m not keen about it, but in the end will that keep me from getting together with a great girl? Not a second.

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