So, there’s this guy I’ve been talking with for like one and a half month. We’ve met on fb. He wants a meet up but I told him it’s too soon for that. We kind of click with each other. He’s nice and consistent. But, I’m afraid that he’ll find me unattractive after finding out my little secret— I have partial dentures which is my biggest insecurity as well. Only my family and close friend know about it though. I also never had a bf. And I am trying to get to know him and see what happen next. 🙂

  1. If you really like the guy he’ll find out sooner or later, best be honest with him than keeping it on a leash because ur scared of his opinion no?

  2. Tell him, better to be honest now than be heartbroken and sad later, and who knows, he might surprise you

  3. I had a partial for a few years, and did some smooches. I let two people know when we’d been talking for about 3 weeks, and both were cool with it. They were both in their late 30s/early 40s. How old is your guy?

  4. Don’t tell him unless something develops.

    You are in the dating stage and only need to know if you vibe together.

  5. So you don’t have to say anything right away unless you guys progress. It’s not a big deal to me if you had a nice body but others might be less tolerant. I would pay for implants if we were close to marriage though.

  6. Something like that should be treated like it’s normal tbh, so I wouldn’t even worry about it. Of course, it’s a little difficult to think it’s okay because you feel insecure about it; but it’s not a “dark secret” nor something to feel ashamed of. Anyone who says otherwise can fuck off.

    Just tell him when you’re ready and feel comfortable sharing that -but only if it comes up naturally in conversation. He probably won’t notice or care

  7. Trust me when I tell you, any real man that is interested in you for you will not care about your dentures. And if someone does happen to be that shallow, I promise you, you are not missing out on anything special.

  8. Insecurities are the devil
    I bet you 100 bucks you are a dope ass person that would make a wonderful partner
    If he or you want that commitment ,then have the conversation
    Life is a roller coaster
    I’m 27 with diabetes , overweight and nerve damage
    And I’m bald

    At time I also feel like shit ,but the girl I’m dating now doesn’t see the fugly dude I think Im
    Give the dude a chance and I hope for the best ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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