Well I’m just about the st*pidest girl on the planet right now.

I (25f) talked to my boyfriend (24m) about my little dream last night in which he told me that if I ever wanted to have a threesome with him and his male beard tiene, that the offer will always be on the table. In the dream I both wanted to dump him for saying that and was always contemplated having the threesome.

When I woke up, I thought about how I might be down. His friend is attractive and nice and I did actually at one point feel a crush developing, to which I calmed myself down and distanced myself so the crush wouldn’t grow and so I wouldn’t entertain it because I love my boyfriend.

Now, I think I had the dream because I actually came across a few post on Reddit about threesomes and it might have been why I dreamt something like that. Nonetheless, if I ever am even attracted to someone or get a crush on someone other than my boyfriend, I immediately tell him. I tell him because I feel guilty and because I am very honest with him. Once I tell him, the crush usually goes away. I also have OCD and my compulsion si to admit things. So I cannot hold onto stuff like this.

So dumb me went and told him my dream and how I contemplated said threesome in my dream. I didn’t tell him that I was crushing on his friend. I thought that this one would actually hurt him as this is his best friend. But I did tell him that his friend is attractive because she looks so much like my boyfriend, which is true, people would call them twins before.

He was a bit taken a back and said that would never happen. Then he just chuckled a bit and told me he isn’t mad at me and has been the same old him. But I feel immense guilt especially because I know I would be down in real life and I didn’t tell him that part 😭 but I can’t just say that , I’d completely crush him and probably lose him. If he said that about a female friend of mine I would never see him the same way (I legit only have one female friend and he finds her ugly so no he has never thought that way about my friends). Should I tell him? I feel like I’m doing something so wrong for thinking like this.


Had a dream where my bf mentioned a threesome with his male best friend. Feel guilty for being down for it if he ever asked. Told him about the dream, he said that’s not even an option. Should I tell him I would be down if he ever wanted to? I feel guilty for not saying it and being honest.

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