Sorry if this doesnt belong here, didnt find another very specific sub for this reason but. Everytime I jerk off, it makes me feel like shit in the oncoming hours, not just mentally but physically too. Lets say I orgasm once a night right before bed. I wake up with sweat covering my forehead, tired krinkled eyes, maybe a runny nose and my brain is so incapacitated by a headache. If i do it after my morning shower the rest of the day is filled with feeling mentally airy, not present, and I still feel like ass. This wouldnt be a problem if I just stopped right? No coom, boom im feeling like a million bucks. Problem is that I am horny 24/7. No workarounds have really worked, no porn, yes porn, erotica, no erotica, just listening to myself breathe and feel my stimulus. Everytime ends up with me feeling like shit. Just wondered if this was normal or if there was a way to fix it.

  1. Well, the post-nut clarity works as follows:

    While you’re masturbating, your dopamine is going nuts! Your body’s need to reproduce shuts down the executive center of the brain (cerebral cortex, I think), so you won’t be able to make rational decisions as easily. Your body wants you to sow those wild oats no matter who gets them!

    Then when you ejaculate, you lose the stimulation that produces dopamine, and you are left with a huge dopamine deficiency. Your rational brain comes back online and you experience post-nut clarity. There are other physiological effects, too, but these are the big ones.

    It sounds like something else might be happening with you. That’s a really intense post-nut clarity that lasts a lot longer than how I experience it!

  2. For a guy, busting a nut is physically taxing, with different levels depending on the guy. That’s why a lot of guys fall asleep almost right after sex. Some guys can brush it off and go several rounds, other guys are done after 1 round… or maybe even before the round is even over. Experience is key, whether it’s actual sex or masturbation. The more your body gets used to the release, the less of a strain it feels on you overtime.

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