I don’t have a lot of dating experience even though I am a 29yr old woman 😅 Basically I would hang out with the same two guys every weekend primarily cause I had a thing for guy A (it was essentially a relationship without the title)(34M) and guy B (30M) is his friend. We made a really good group and I developed a pretty good friendship with guy B. We started hanging out a lot more in general outside of the weekends. I’ve been trying to become the best version of myself by working out and wouldn’t have been able to do it without guy B helping me and taking the time to go with me. When guy A rejected me I accepted it a lot easier than I thought I would and stopped hanging out with him even tho he wanted to ‘remain friends’. The issue is I started to develop feelings for the friend and have been for awhile but didn’t recognize it for what it was. There were instances where guy A would put me in a stressful situation and guy B would be the one to de-escalate it and get me through it. I wasn’t attracted to guy B at first however we spend a lot of time together and he has helped me so much in general (gym, work, etc). Guy B is supportive in what I do, pushes me and celebrates my successes with me. When I liked Guy A he supported it and when it didn’t work out he was there for me. I’m not sure what to do because I have always been against dating an ex’s friend and he may not even like me back. When guy A rejected me I felt a lot more ok with it than I thought I would but the thought of losing guy B as a friend was so much worse.

  1. It sounds like he’s either a really supportive person n great friend OR he may feel some type of way about u too. How close are guy A and B? Its possible guy B won’t be breaking any bro code w guy A by pursuing something w u. But u will never know unless talk to him about it 🤷🏽‍♂️

  2. Please leave guy B alone, he is too good for you. Nobody wants to be someone’s second choice.

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