How do you guys deal with this?

a couple of us dirtbike which is cool, a couple of my friends like to just go drink at bars, also cool.

but 90% of the time when I try to offer a cool new idea, or make cool plans, they just don’t care or aren’t willing to try something new.

I wish I had a group of friends who were down for exciting new hobbies and ideas and wanted to try everything but at 24 its hard to find that kindof group of friends now a days.

  1. You’ll want to try apps like Meetup to find ’em, or follow a community that shares those new hobbies. People may not change when it comes to their hobbies or habits, so it’s easier to find new folks who already have those.

  2. I dealt with the same thing in my 20’s. So i moved across the country and started a new career/life. Sadly, when i go home for a visit 10 years later and everything and everyone is still the same. For some reason my old friends were happy knowing people that did cool stuff and had no desire to do cool stuff themselves. It was weird! Get comfortable doing fun stuff alone or just be open to making new friends when you’re out and about! Try Bumblebff, I’ve met some awesome people on there.

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