People often talk about self esteem, especially in women and girls but rarely for men. I was trying to think of the last time I got a genuine compliment or “Well done”. None came to mind. I was curious if this is common or just me?

  1. An hour or two ago, I made a damn good dinner and my fiancé told me I did a fantastic job.

  2. My teammates.

    From an young age I had to work on self-love and put it to use 100%
    Once you do that, you don’t give a fuck about few things, as long as you are happy with yourself and your actions doesn’t hurt anybody or go against any laws, you will see how life is so much easier and lighter to carry than you thought.

  3. When the vet saw how fast I could get my wriggly cat in her carrier last….month

  4. Earlier today at the boxing gym my coach told me I did good job during training. What really did it was the WAY he said it. He sounded so excited and enthusiastic. It felt good because of how sincere it sounded

    I hate to sound like a douche but I think if y’all aren’t being told “well done” you’re probably not doing very good at anything.

  5. Yesterday my fwb said they really like my hair, I also got praised for doing well on a college math exam.

    Personally I struggle with compliments, they make me feel awkward and my first impulse is to downplay them or shrug them off. I’ve been working on accepting them and I’ve noticed I get more of them now. I’m also more likely to show stuff off that I’m excited about/proud of, and that results in more compliments.

    If it bothers you that you don’t get compliments, I think the best thing to do is to share things you’re proud of with friends and family.

  6. About 5 minutes ago. My wife praised me for my geek knowledge that allowed me to identify the obscure cultural references in an episode of “Family Guy.”

  7. My wife is the only person that I get compliments from, but she does it pretty often.

  8. A couple months ago from my mentor. I’m very new to my trade, and I had just finished a lot of repairs on a high-value piece of equipment for a customer. He checked it when I was done said it was my best work yet. Really helped with my uncertainty and anxiety about my progress

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