Especially in the South?

Last year was the first year where this happened to me and some people who lived in my region in the South.

  1. Nope. I actually don’t think I’ve seen a single caterpillar this spring. It was looking like it was going to be a bad year for the lantern flies but that hasn’t seemed to have materialized in my area at least.

  2. No, but the box elder bugs are in full force right now here in Minnesota. The walkway to my front door has practically been an insect orgy 24/7 for the last couple weeks.

  3. What type?

    Climate change is causing some big issues up North with gypsy moths. It only takes a couple years of defoliating the trees and they die. You literally can see their damage from satellites.

  4. There’s been a real problem with brown tail moth caterpillars recently in Maine. They’re an invasive species, they’re poisonous and give you a nasty rash if you touch them. They had a particularly bad population explosion this year

  5. Not in South Carlina a couple hours from you. I just get the nasty little Palmetto bugs that visit every summer.

  6. Not in South Carlina a couple hours from you. I just get the nasty little Palmetto bugs that visit every summer.

  7. Not in South Carlina a couple hours from you. I just get the nasty little Palmetto bugs that visit every summer.

  8. Not in South Carlina a couple hours from you. I just get the nasty little Palmetto bugs that visit every summer.

  9. I live in CO and no, but I remember last summer there were so. many. moths. Moths in my car somehow, moths everywhere outside, it was nuts. That same summer, my family in FL said that they were seeing a ton of dragonflies. Idk why that happens

  10. Not in South Carlina a couple hours from you. I just get the nasty little Palmetto bugs that visit every summer.

  11. No, not at all. Everyone’s lawn is looking super green and trimmed though. I’m sure those two things aren’t related at all.

  12. Haven’t seen any caterpillars around my house and I’m only a few miles away from the Virginia.

  13. Not yet. I remember the year of the canker worms though. My mom’s house was green when it should’ve been white.

  14. We had a tent caterpillar issue in my hometown (a suburb of Seattle) when I was growing up. Whole trees would get covered. Don’t ever see it where I live in Seattle now though.

  15. No, but I’ve got a lot more Japanese beetles than I’m used to seeing this year.

  16. BOXELDER BUGS. INSIDE THE HOUSE. There was one on my toothbrush yesterday and two in my pillowcase this morning.

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