Both of us live with our parents 20f 19m. We wanna have sex but not get caught. Suggestions? We were thinking a walking trail but that’s kinda dark. Car sex is an option but we don’t have enough room.

  1. Day use hotels. Changing rooms. Public restrooms, single occupancy. In a tent, on a public beach. Movie theaters.

    But yes, your bedroom can be considered to be public too for the risk of getting caught. That’s the whole point right? 😉

  2. Try under an abandoned bridge or something, or somewhere in the woods, I’ve heard it’s amazing at night

  3. My car was a toyota prius, my man is 6’2 and we used to make it work, park n ride. We’ve done it up on a trail mid day, inside a restroom of a fitness gym. Omg 😲 soo many places. This was a while back. I mean you just gotta take a chance make your memories. Have fun n b safe.

  4. Is there a cultural, religious or legal reason why, at 19 and 20, you’re worried about “getting caught”? You’re both adults. Where I live 16 is the age when you can legally have sex with an adult partner (unless there is a hierarchical relationship, like e.g. teacher-student) and parents, including my own (decades ago), are usually OK with their 16 yr olds bringing a BF/GF home as long as it is a steady relationship.

    I ask (you needn’t answer, obviously) because it seems you’ve thought about this and you’re over the age of consent. You’re entitled to some respect for your choices. If you can, (re-)consider how, where and with whom you want to live. Especially for a first time there is nothing like the comfort of a bed, your own above all.

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