I (27M) am having a horny spell right now that I’ve never had in years. I don’t think it’s as crazy as my teenage years but this is rough. I went from not caring to just lusting like a madman. There are a few girls I’m interested in but there’s nothing special going on so I have no way of release. Just talking to them gets me energized, it’s overbearing to the point where I wonder if it’s going to be a hinderance. How does one see clearly with all this testosterone? How does one make rational decisions? How does one use this energy in a positive way.

  1. By taming it. You get excited talking to women? Keep your composure. Think about how you are feeling and take your thoughts to a healthy direction, stemming from your confidence or curiousity for who you are talking with. You learn to realize how sexual you are as a being and can hold it in more than the millions of dudes running around with their dicks ready for the giving, most who never end up giving it.

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