What does that even mean? Is that fundamental or does that vary from person to person?

There are many different times when people discuss broken or dying relationships and recently it’s about being with “the right person” instead of “the wrong person” or something along those lines but there is no explanation for what any of those terms mean.

How can someone be right for a person or wrong for another?
None of this makes sense.

  1. It means individual preferences, needs, and personalities differ and that affects compatibility between people. Someone can be a terrible partner for one person and an amazing partner for someone else.

  2. I think a right person is time specific- it’s who you need at that pint of time in your life. But if they don’t evolve the same way or at in the same pace as you they become wrong for you.

  3. There is probably more than one “right person ” out there for everyone.

  4. Asking how can someone be right for a person and wrong for the other is like asking how can a key only fit one lock and not other locks. Everyone has different preferences, needs, lifestyle choices etc. that will fit with some and not others.

  5. Just like everyone you know isn’t your best friend or even a friend, not everyone is a suitable romantic partner. And depending on your life stage and experience, what you want is going to change. What’s good for a 16 year old isn’t going to work for a 40 year old.

    Someone who doesn’t want marriage or children isn’t the “right” partner for someone who does. Someone who likes to party a lot or isn’t monogamous, isn’t a good match for someone who wants monogamy or doesn’t like the party lifestyle.

    Preference, culture, experience all influence your choice of partner.

  6. Varies highly from person to person. The “right” person for me would probably be filled with marinara flags for someone else.

  7. Overall compatibility, both personality wise and looks wise. You should be with someone you get along really well with and can communicate with, someone who makes you laugh, someone who helps when you need it. And who you feel physically attracted to. That’s what I think is right.

  8. It means someone you’re compatible with on multiple levels.

    For example, my partner and I:

    * want the same things out of a relationship
    * have similar interests
    * have a similar sense of humor
    * like a lot of the same sex acts and kinks
    * have similar taste in media
    * have similar ethics and values
    * have personalities that complement each other’s

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