So I (f23) and bf(31) have been together for about 2 1/2 years. I don’t want to go into too many details, but the other day I broke up with him and had a night with a guy friend. As much as I love my “bf” I don’t think it’s going to continue to work. I feel like hes been driving me crazy for years with all the shit he does, and because of it I’ve become a person I hate, doing and acting like I never would have before we got together. I feel like no matter how loving we try to be we just bring out the worst in each other. The big issue is is we have a kid together, and since I was little I always told myself that if I have kids I want them to have parents who are loving and happy together, not a split family. And I feel like I have failed my child and myself here by the relationship with my “bf” not working out. But now I’m trying to figure out what’s best for our kid. Should we try and make everything work even though I don’t have much faith that we could, or do we just admit that we made way better friends than we do/did being in a romantic relationship? Rn both of us are fed up with each other, and agreed we would make a decision when we both calm down.

Tl:DR- my bf and I broke up and I had a night with a guy friend, I feel like we bring out the worst in each other and this relationship has been a mess for a while. But in the long run what would be better for our child. To try and work things out even though I don’t have much faith that it will, or admit we made way better friends than dating?

  1. Sometimes being apart *is* the best way to give your kid parents who are loving & happy together because a relationship isn’t getting in the way of their ability to parent.

    Staying together for the kid never works

  2. What’s best for your kid is for his/her parents to be able to speak nicely with each other – even when you don’t agree. If you can do that and stay together fine. If not leave

  3. Staying with the wrong person is inherently more toxic for a child than having parents live separate lives.

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