Hey ladies! So, what’s something you do at home on your own that you think is weird but you’re sure other women do too?

  1. One of mine is that I hate showering in the morning so I only shower at night. But if I wake up and want to wear a dress I’ll do a quick shave of my underarms and legs in the sink.

    I also do my makeup while sitting in my sink.

  2. Shave my face to get rid of all those little hairs. I mean I do my whole body anyways, but I never hear about chicks shaving their face lol

  3. Looking in the mirror and talk to yourself and pretend you make a YouTube video.

  4. Grabbing my boobs or underarm to stay warm, touch my down there from time to time to check how it smell, see how my butt skin look like through mirrors(its a struggle), doing live concert on my room until I drenched with sweat, stare at mirror for long time especially at night cause for some reason we look extra cute at night. I have so many..

  5. Go braless and flip my tshirt under the boob so there’s a barrier between the under boob and stomach.

  6. Have a conversation with someone else when the person is not there…just talking to myself

  7. When I’m doing stuff like cooking or putting away groceries I pretend that I’m making a YouTube video

  8. I spend ages looking at my arse in the mirror and I could not tell you why.

  9. Miming and dancing to a song around the home.

    Gently rocking my cat in my arms to a song.

    Talking to myself.

    Daydreaming different scenarios that will never happen lol.

  10. I sleep naked I when I get out of bed in the morning I start cleaning up my kitchen and vacuuming my floor and putting laundry in and folding towels and stuff before I get dressed pretty sure there are others out there that do that too! Anybody???

  11. Aim a fan at the downstairs on a hot summer day while changing. Omg, its so refreshing cause its get so hot down there even with cotton panties

  12. Talk to myself as if I’m being interviewed or making a video it helps to get thoughts out. I touch myself down there while laying on the couch or just relaxing. Sometimes to check if it smells good but sometimes just out of security.

  13. push my chair allll the way in and rest my boobs on the table/desk where i’m sitting

  14. Eat Peanut butter off a spoon when too lazy to make actual food.

    Smear hair on shower wall and then wash it off before getting out.

    Insert tampons literally anywhere.

    Use the same water glass for weeks at a time.

    Cobble together insane dinners (one eggroll, three chicken nuggets, pudding cup, cheese stick, shot of whiskey) when the cupboard’s getting thin.

    Name my plants.

    Pluck armpit hairs I missed while shaving.

    Lay next to my dog in a sunspot and sometimes fall asleep.

  15. Peel the skin off your feet when you do those little foot peel bootie things

  16. Making art from the hair on my shower wall before balling it up and putting it in the bin.

  17. When I’m too lazy to do laundry and need a clean pair of underwear, I just put a pad on a dirty pair and I’ll just switch pads until I do my laundry

  18. Have full blown conversations with myself. I literally talk to myself as if I’m a different person.

  19. Sleeping naked is mostly a must for me. I dont like to spend the night at peoples house because I’m so uncomfortable in clothes.

  20. This is when nobodies home and I know the neighbors are gone during the day but I open my window, blinds and bedroom door and air dry after showering. The nice breeze while fully nude is nice

  21. Pretend I am living another life as I go to sleep. One night, I could be a queen. Another, vampire slayer. Or that I am an added character in whatever book I am reading.

  22. i look a lot at my abs every time i walk by the mirror. its to calm my insecurities. i feel fat sitting down.

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