Anything crazy, exciting, scary, etc., are welcome. If you’ve never been to summer camp, any experience at camp even if it’s not during the summer are welcome too.

I live in California and I never went to summer camp but in 5th grade I did go to science camp at Alliance Redwoods Conference Grounds in Northern Cali. This was the first time my school had taken their 5th graders to this camp after going to another camp for the last 10 or so years so I was slightly nervous that we were going to be the first to go to this new campsite. I ended up actually enjoying it 100%. Anybody who’s actually gone camping with their family would probably make fun of me and I don’t blame them. Technically our experience wasn’t really camping, it was more so getting to sleep in a boring 6-8 person cabin while also enjoying the luxuries of having a swimming pool, indoor and outdoor basketball court, volleyball court, game room, soccer field (that had turf installed), indoor cafeteria with about 5-7 chefs that made the most delicious food I’ve ever tasted, along with various other things. I highly recommend you guys check it out.

Oh yeah and I made out with this girl outside of my cabin one night. It wasn’t really a “make out” it was more like us creating a huge slobbery mess while also trying to eat each other’s faces off pretty much. I also found out like 10 years later that she gave blowjobs to a few of my cabin mates. Idk if it’s true but that’s what I heard.

  1. I absolutely loved summer camp and I begged and pleaded with my parents to send me every summer for years. I was a city kid, not even suburbs but the inner city, so being in the country, nature, campfires, swimming in a lake, horses, etc… was freaking awesome (at for a week or two lol). I also had a couple ‘summer flings’ at summer camp, some of my first crushes, kisses, etc.. so there was that too.

    But mostly it was just fun for a city kid to do things I couldn’t do in the city.

  2. Summer camp was pretty cool. Sleeping in bunk beds, hiking, scary stories. Although the last time I went when I was a kid, me and a few other campers got stung by a swarm of bees when a hive got too big for the branch it was on, and the branch broke dropping the hive

  3. We slept in an actual camp. Tents lined up in a circle, every group had their own tent, every person their own sleeping bag and a shit ton of candy they’d either share, trade or eat. We were out in the woods in the middle of the Netherlands and it was just a week of playing games, going on hikes, doing “ghost tours” at night where the camp counsellors scared the shit out of us by dressing up and making loud noises from the bushes. Or they’d tell us actual creepy horror stories at the campfire. Good times. Went there a couple years in a row

  4. I had the best summer camp experiences. Literally can’t recommend it enough. Especially for my sleep away camp. I even ended up working there a few summers.

  5. I didn’t get to go to camp, but I was a camp counselor for two summers. Some of your (not just OP) stories worry me because you clearly weren’t properly supervised – at least, not by my camp’s standards. Sure, the stuff you did wasn’t bad, but I assume the counselors weren’t watching you while you were making out….

  6. In my early days of summer camp, like when I was a younger kid, I remember getting bullied a lot. I once got tangled in one of those play parachute things and some older kids wouldn’t let me get out and they were laughing at me. When I was finally able to get out I spit at them.

  7. Had a summer camp GF which was more like hey you’re cute let’s date. Sooo what I remember outside of that, got my first watch, swam, played some games, ziplined, punched someone, had s’mores and I think that’s about it. I went when I was in 5th grade and it was pretty fun. This was the Ridley 4-H camp in Tennessee

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