A close friend of mine, who doesn’t have Reddit, has asked me to pose this question to the community. He’s doesn’t have much sexual experience and doesn’t know about STIs. He recently had oral sex with a girl and said he’s experiencing difficulty urinating and some other minor issues related to his “junk” (nothing notable). What’s the likelihood that he caught something from giving and receiving oral sex with a female? I told him that I know it can happen, but we’re wondering the chance of it happening. It’s been a week or so and he isn’t worried about HIV, so he says.

  1. With unprotected sex, the chances are always high

    Tell him to get tested and use protection/practice safe sex

  2. There isn’t one.

    If you get clymidia, ghonerea, or less common syphilis…you usually have symptoms in the mouth / throat…in the case of syphilis you usually don’t have trouble urinating.

    Pretty sure this is in your friends head. That said….get tested…only way to know.

  3. I would say it depends on the “minor issues” but also get tested to be safe

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