If it turns out to be spreading through the air (which it isn’t but it can do), then I reckon it will be a great laugh.

Unlike Rona, it marks you out as diseased, so it adds extra elements as a update to the 2020 original.

  1. Personally at this very moment I’m not that bothered but I think if it does become a problem the biggest issue is going to be no one listening to the guidance and it would spread like wildfire due to the ignorance of folk

  2. My only concern is how it will strain the healthcare sector with severe cases

    0.00x% of a very large number still = a large enough number to disrupt healthcare provision

  3. Nope

    The virus is spread by *close* contact

    Something I seek to avoid with people 99% of the time

  4. Most transmission is occurring in club settings via sexual contact. Ain’t much of that goin on for me atm 🙈😂

  5. Is it correct that it has now been classified as an STD? If so not worried. I don’t even like zoos, never mind some attractively dressed monkey.

  6. I have seen its spreading between cool young people with much more exciting social lives than me so I have absolutely no worries in my boring existence.

  7. Nope, I’m friends with people in Hartlepool and they know how to deal with such things.

  8. It’s spreading in the men who have sex with men community according to UKHSA.

    Not for me.

    [Monkeypox cases confirmed in England – latest updates](https://www.gov.uk/government/news/monkeypox-cases-confirmed-in-england-latest-updates)

    >Currently most cases have been in men who are gay, bisexual or have sex with men.

    >Of the cases interviewed, 81% were known to be London residents and 99% were male. The median age of confirmed cases in the UK was 38 years old.

    >152 cases participated in more detailed questionnaires. In this data, 151 of the 152 men interviewed identified as gay, bisexual, or men who have sex with men, or reported same sex contact. Recent foreign travel, within 21 days prior to symptom onset, was reported by 75 cases, with 59 of these reporting travel within Europe.

  9. No. It’s not spread by casual contact, it’s much less severe, it’s treatable, and most importantly, it’s not a novel disease like COVID. The (more sensible) media has been quick to emphasise it’s not another COVID and as a bioscientist that makes complete sense.

  10. People are panicky because of Covid.

    In short, it only spreads through close contact, and while it *could* theoretically mutate and become more transmissible through air, it would likely become less serious in the process and it’s not exactly a major killer as it is.

    I saw a brilliant interview with some top epidemiologist recently saying that not only is Monkeypox nothing to worry about, it really does highlight just how deadly and contagious Covid was.

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