Hey y’all, I got a question. So I just got a job on a ship, where I’m gonna be working/living at sea for months at a time (probably 4 on, 1 off). On top of this, to save money, I’m just leaving all my shit at my brother’s place and find arrangements in whatever part of the world I find myself in (so like, traveling)

Currently, I (21M, straight) am not in a relationship, and I’ve been dating, but I feel weird going in knowing that I’m not gonna be able to physically spend a huge amount of time with them. And I mean, not that short things aren’t fun, but I’d feel like a d$$k if I was just going around for that.

Basically, my question is: am I just gonna be spending the next few years (cuz eventually I’m gonna transfer to land) ‘dry?’ I don’t know if many people have experience with this, but if you’re a mariner/dating one, I’d like to hear your perspective/advice

1 comment
  1. Honestly, do your time in the service and then date. No one is going to put up with someone who is not around. There’s no stability in that and no reason why you should do that. For example, you’re dating someone back “home.” You’re on the ship for 4 months. You could be living somewhere in another country for the month, having flings, meeting women, new friends, or you could fly home for a month to see your partner. During that time, it’s not like you can see them 24/7. So really, how do you expect to have a stable relationship when your life isn’t stable?

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