what was your sexual awakening?

  1. I feel like my real sexual awakening happened at 33 after separating from my abusive husband. We rarely had sex and I convinced myself I just wasn’t a very sexual person and I didn’t really enjoy it. My first post separation hookup was like a religious experience.

  2. I had a dream with a rapper I found and still find extremely attractive. He was teaching me something and a huge Bluetooth speaker thing (very long lmao not like a box) was very present in that dream.

    Oof. Til this day, I blush when thinking about it

  3. My mum and dad being parents of the 70s had a copy of “Emanuelle”. That book fell to pieces during my teenaged years.

  4. Realising at 43 years old that I didnt care about it and had been putting on a performance for the sake of partners my whole life. Happily asexual and living a contented, liberated, true to me life without that pressure or obligation, and resulting resentment. *whew* lol Its such a relief to just KNOW. I live with a wonderful man who went through the same process. So much intimacy, so much love… with our jammies on. Haha

  5. The upside down kiss in Spider-Man. I was 9, and for some reason, seeing a ripped Tobey Maguire swing around in spandex did things to me.

  6. I had 2 in life.

    I had the normal teen crushes was moving along my way exploring then got sexually assaulted by my uncle at 12 and became complete closed off.

    Around 26, I sought therapy and then had my adult sexual awakening. Got toys experimented and now I’m here. Haven’t been intimate with a man but I’m comfortable with sex

  7. When I was 16, I was reading erotic story about a older woman seducing a younger woman.
    Something clicked in me and I’ve been lusting after older women ever since.

  8. After I divorced at 45 from an abusive drunk, I found a man 15 years younger and who showed me and taught me things I never knew existed. My whole life changed. That was 12 years ago. Still with him. Still as hot as ever.

  9. Clicked on a comic that said NSFW… was too naïve to know that meant porn 🥺🥺

  10. Dark Heart from the Carebears 2 movie. I had such an obsessive crush on him as a kid. To this day I love magical villains who grow to care for their tormentees.

  11. Having sex with someone after being in a dead bedroom relationship for years. I (26F) thought I was asexual and cried about it before but then when things ended with my ex, I hooked up with someone and my GOD, definitely not asexual.

  12. David Bowie in Labyrinth, I was little but the androgyny really opened me up to the full scope of who all I was attracted to and why. And then I got a lot older and Tim Curry in Rocky Horror was the energy I wanted to embody and other stuff 🙈

  13. Me and my friend played sex club with our dolls when we were like 10-12, because we saw it in GTA

    Also, we googled hentai on her laptop when her mom left her house

  14. In my 30s for sure, but also having had finally experienced having genuine sexual chemistry. Sex I was having prior to just seems “meh” now that I’m with someone who reads my body and vice versa.

  15. Zipporah in Prince of Egypt during the scene when she’s being given to Ramses. I really wanted to be her.

  16. The 1999 film The Mummy.
    Brennan Fraser = Hot.
    Rachel Weisz = Hot.
    Oded Fehr = Hot.
    Arnold Vosloo = Hot.

    I was just turned on the entire time and had no idea why.

  17. When I started having sex with my now husband.

    I had been married before and had other partners as well. I was sexual in the terms of being sexually active but I didn’t really enjoy it much. I remember thinking to myself that if I was been told I could never have sex again, I’d be fine with it.

    But then I started having sex with my husband and we just…clicked. But the real awakening was about two months into our relationship and he gave me my first ever vaginal orgasm. Holy shit..it was like seeing color for the first time or something lol. I remember looking at him afterwards and saying “so that’s why people like having sex so much?! I get it now!”

    Over three years later and there has yet to be a plateau or decline.

  18. My sexual awakening was when I made love with a person who adored me and worshipped my body for the first time. It changed me forever. It taught me that I am gorgeous just way I am. That I am wanted. And that I’m allowed to enjoy sex.

    I would like to say that I’ve never had bad sex since, but my sex life has been so dynamic and exciting since then, that yes, I have had some bad sex with starfish and self-pleasers. An experience of note: I’ve also had really good sex with someone who was a total asshat. I don’t recommend. You’re better off learning how create the best masturbation session than to have amazing sex with someone you don’t like.

  19. This thread makes me want to re-watch The Mummy. I never knew it did so much for you guys!

  20. It sounds dumb, but before I had never been with a guy I was unabashedly 100% *physically* attracted to. Relationships for me has always been personality attraction first, then the person becomes attractive just because of that.

    And that’s all fine, I guess, but… I did not realize until meeting and beginning to date my now-husband how much my experience of sex/sexuality would open up, when I actually got with somebody who is genuinely hot. I had just straight up never thought about it. I always thought I had a low libido… That is not the case.

  21. Ive always been promiscuous at a young age (sadly). Mostly selfish fucks of course and still tend to get those but, whatever.

    My “awakening” happened when i was on study abroad in Japan for a year. I was 20 and met this older Australian guy (38-39) on FL. We talked a bit online, moved to Line to chat there and thats when he gave me his address to come over one night.

    Me being in a different place of course, safety concern so i let my friends know where im going and keep them updated until i got there.

    My memory is vague on his appearance but I knew i liked what I saw and it made his age irrelevant to me. His accent was seductive af (it was also when i realized i find Australian accents the most attractive).

    He was very hospitable. We talked quite a bit before we got to the deed. I remember he told me that despite living in Japan for 10 years as a teacher he doesn’t know a lick of Japanese which hilariously surprised me.

    Anyways, before meeting him, I never properly came outside of with my own hands or toys and I’ve never been fingered to the point of soaking wet legs. He gave me both of those things. I remember he bent me over his couch, legs spread and he slowly inserted two fingers…next thing i know im louder than ive ever been and my legs are shaking. I’m pretty sure i looked back and asked him “what did you do” cause i was shocked and impressed that someone made me like that. I was quite frankly lust-strucken by him.

    Anytime i was free I’d ask if he was free for the night. We met up quite a few times before he sadly had to cut it off (think he got back with an ex) but i found out a few things about myself thanks to him.

    He will always have a place in my heart >! and pussy 🥴 !<

  22. I don’t remember an exact moment but I did discover masturbation when I was like five so…

  23. I was 9 when I watched Cruel Intentions. That movie really made a difference in how I saw the world and sexuality, I knew I was bisexual.

  24. Meeting a man who wanted to have sex with *me*, not just wanted to have sex. There is a distinction.

  25. Almost one year ago exactly. I never faked orgasms but I always thought that mine were just not as intense as everyone else described theirs to be. I got cheated on and was going through a lot of hurt that led me to discover myself in more of an intimate, sexual way while alone because I wasn’t exactly sure how to deal with my sexual feelings that were stung by the hurt of betrayal. So when my cheating ex left our apartment for the day, I decided I was gonna try to love myself. I sat down in front of a mirror and got to work. I know that sounds narcissistic to be getting off at looking at yourself but I was trying to do it because I wanted to feel loved, feel like I was sexy enough to *be* enough. And it worked! I rubbed myself and used toys until the feeling good part came and then I thought to myself, “what if I don’t stop here? What if I just keep going and continue this somewhat good feeling?” And then as I kept going, it was like the orgasm bubbled up and erupted out of me. My mind was blown at almost 22 years old. I swear i had tears streaming down my face. I thought “Holy shit THIS is what an orgasm is!! I get all of the hype now” There is nothing wrong with me, Im not broken, Im capable of having an intense, real orgasm. And when you orgasm, you’ll know you’ve orgasmed. I guess I just had to explore my body more and find out what feels right for me. Some girls need clitoral stimulation, some need penetrative, and I need both!! At the same time, it’s the only way to go for me. And sorry if this is TMI but not being able to share that I made that amazing discovery for myself sucks! So don’t give up girls. You’re not broken, you just haven’t found whats best for you yet!

  26. I legitimately thought I was not very sexual at some point in time because I didn’t want to have sex with my ex. Lol. Turns out, from all the emotional cheating and that one time he left me for someone else and came back, I was simply unaware that I wasn’t attracted to him anymore. Not physically nor emotionally. When I left him and found my now husband, I couldn’t believe how sexually compatible my husband and I were. It blew my mind that I was so shut down with my ex that I thought I didn’t like sex that much as a result 😂.

    I’m much happier now and sex is on fire 10 outta 10

  27. Having a conversation with my friend (a guy) about sex.

    He said, “Sex is fun!” We went into a whole talk about how I didn’t believe that genuinely. Sex could be intimate, serious, sweet, happy, gross, scary, good/bad… But fun felt like something men seemed to have, not really women. I had pretend it was fun in the past but never really felt it as “fun.”

    Turns out he proved me wrong. I had the most comfortable, safe, and yes FUN sex of my life. Laughing in the middle of sex isn’t a turn off anymore. Trying something, even if it doesn’t work can also just be a fun experience. Being treated with total respect and being equally cared for means everything.

    Now in my 30’s, I can genuinely say sex can be fun.

    Also, I married the friend.

  28. Backstreet Boys ’98 tour, I was in the 6th grade. The gang is wearing white button downs and Howie D is the only one who has it fully opened with no tank top, they’re singing a song that I will never remember, but Howie is holding a red rose that was thrown on the stage and sexily caresses it down his beautiful naked torso during his solo. I think my glasses fogged up and I died.

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