I’ve had three dates with a guy and I really like him. Im getting really attached already. On the third date we hooked up at mine and then went to dinner at a pub and then we went back to mine. He was meant to sleep over but then at 11pm he said “oh my mate has just texted me to say he has covid and I saw him at the weekend”. Then he left my flat. Today he has rarely texted which isn’t like him and he’s online… is he using covid as an excuse to ghost me? Is it too intense to message him to ask him how he feels? I get so anxious and I don’t want to push him away but I feel super horrible 🙁

  1. Yes it is too early. Try and focus on other things so you don’t feel as attached to him, as it’s still very early days. When you’re busying yourself and enriching your life, it’s not only more attractive but it means you have other things you can focus your energy on and you won’t feel as rubbish.

    Also remember that some people pull back or stop communication when they have had sex because that was their aim.

  2. I wouldn’t ask that question. If he already seems to be distancing it will likely just push him away. Unfortunately many guys are only after sex and will disappear (ghost or slow fade) once they get it. That’s not your fault at all, and if the guy is doing that he’s scum. That said, I would give it a bit more time and see how he reacts in the next few days. The waiting is torture, I know. But to keep texting ime will only make things worse. Act like you have other stuff going on and are not hung up on him.

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