What would you do if you checked your girlfriends phone and seen about 10 unknown guys on her Facebook search engine ?

  1. why are you checking your girlfriends phone? if you’ve done it before and she knows about it then it could be that.

    If it’s famous guys/singers etc well durrrrr she’s looking for them pages.

    If it’s guys in your area, she’s had enough of you and is looking to move one

  2. Why am i dating her if i trust her so little id check her phone?

    Why do i need to know every guy on her damned Facebook? It’s facebook. Half the people you add you dont even know.

  3. I’d firstly stop going through her phone. Secondly, do you know why she was checking for them? A lot of chicks check men out for their girlfriends or they’re just nosey. Try not to get too deep unless you know what’s up.

  4. I mean, with the confidence she had I can safely assume that is nothing to worry about. But I would ask her if she knows them personally.

  5. Nothing, just because someone is in a relationship with me doesn’t mean they can have a life, idgaf whats on anyones phone the same reason my phone is off limits, got nothing to hide but its my phone and keep ya damn business. I had a friend who’s girlfriend didnt let him have a pin code on his phone, imagine that psychopath

  6. Really could be anything though. I have multiple unknown people on my Facebook search because every time a crime happens in my town I look up the names to see if I know them or if we have mutual friends. 🤷‍♂️

  7. I dont think me or my wife have checked each other’s phone…. But old GFs and I have checked each others. See the difference? I think your relationship is already over, you are just dragging out the breakup.

  8. Probably searching up old school friends or classmates? I’ve done that before, purely to see what they look like now out of curiosity. Or old boyfriends. Again, out of curiosity and absolutely nothing to worry about.

  9. That’s a bit much to be searching in her phone. You gotta realize that you can’t control if someone cheats, and I know it hurts if they do, but you gotta look at it like “thanks for showing me that you’re trash so I can get you out of my life” once you realize that, you don’t need to search through her stuff. Control what you can, and what you can’t let roll out of your life when it’s not good.

  10. I’d think about what happened with me that I can’t even respect my GF’s privacy. She might have been searching a for her high school pals or something.

  11. Make sure im better than them and not worry about it past that. Guys will always be after your girl and your girl will always want her best option. Dont act like a jealous insecure guy, just assume if she has social media that she will always be exposed to other options. Acceot it, dont be scared of losing her (if she goes she goes), and always be at your best for your own sake. Girls notice stuff like this.

  12. 1. I wouldn’t

    2. Searching for people on Facebook doesn’t even mean she’s talking to them. They could be old acquaintances who she doesn’t have a s friends and she wants to see what they’re up to

  13. Yeah your trust is clearly gone and it’s gonna be difficult to repair. When I stopped trusting my ex I knew I should of just left because anything she said or done after that trust was lost I just didn’t believe. Idrk how you go about fixing trust. (I also never checked her phone but had urges too, it’s not a cool thing to do)

  14. Are her friends dating and did she have a girls night recently?? My search bar has been fully of my friends potential dates before (creepy yes, but a safety thing)

  15. Woah the person I’m dating knows people outside of our shared social circle? Must be cheating /s

    Save her the trouble and throw the hissy fit already so she can go next, dude

  16. Rewind time and not check her phone. If you have so little trust in someone that you go digging through her phone, that’s a sign you need to breakup, and probably reflect on whether you need to work out some trust issues before dating again.

  17. >What would you do if you checked your girlfriends phone

    I could have stopped reading here. I don’t check my GF’s phone. She never has to answer for her inner life. Don’t worry, if she starts sleeping around it will be obvious.

  18. Here’s some advice from someone who has a lot of experience with women as well as past experience with dating and cheat/lying women…you’re going to get a lot of men in here who will say “you’re insecure!” I tend to see things differently, yes you might be insecure BUT you might also have good reason to feel insecure…that being said you aren’t handling it correctly, you’re letting her behavior bring out the worst in you i.e jealousy and possessiveness…

    If you’re checking her phone/social media it tells me that deep down you probably already know something is off, you probably have felt it for a while, and you’ve probably had suspicions that her eyes are wondering and/or she’s talking to other men…most men can sense it and instead of simply grabbing their balls and ending the relationship they become needy, insecure, and half crazy…it only turns your woman off even more…then she eventually cheats or leaves you and you are broken…

    If your woman is looking at other men it means that either you aren’t stepping up as a man and living up to your potential OR she’s simply a toxic woman…either way I’d end the relationship because it doesn’t sound like you’re ready for one (don’t worry most men aren’t) that’s probably not what you want to hear? and you probably won’t end things because you’re afraid to be alone but that’s the solution to your problem…be alone, set her free and figure out how to be a man who can stand on his own and get whatever woman he wants…focus on yourself, focus on your career, focus on your health, focus on reading and growing as man, learn how to attract all women and then you have no reason to fear losing one woman…once you learn to be completely alone, once you’re ultimate focus is your path, you simply stop putting up with bad behavior from a woman and or you set ground rules that you can actually enforce…right now you probably have zero leverage because she probably know you aren’t going to leave her if she does something shitty and probably is wonder “is he the best I can do?”

    The answer is simple, become a higher-value man who can simply say “listen babe, I love you but this is working for me anymore… I feel like your eyes are wondering and that’s cool but I have to focus on my future and don’t have time to worry about what my girl is doing when I’m not around, so good luck with everything and I’ll see you around” and although she might be upset, she’s going to respect you a hell of a lot more than if she catches you snooping through her social media…and you’re no longer going to live with anxiety knowing “If my girl cheats or leaves me I’ll be fine because I can get other women and I don’t have to put with bullshit because I’m high enough value to replace her” you will also notice that when you’re on your path/purpose and your woman see’s you as the best she can do, she’s probably not going to want to even look at other men…

    What your going through isn’t abnormal, most men go through something similar at some point in their lives BUT most men don’t learn the lesson and continue the same bullshit throughout their entire lives…get on your purpose homie! stop focusing on your woman, she shouldn’t be the center of your world, she shouldn’t be your mental point of origin, your purpose, your path and your career should be your focus! ingrain that in your head and realize, that anything that gets in the way of your purpose, anything that distracts you from that, doesn’t belong in your life…remove it.

    Pick up a book called “Way of the superior man” by David Dieda and use it as the foundation for all future relationships and a guide in life, it will help you.

  19. I’d echo that checking reveals an issue with you, her, and/or the relationship.

    I trusted my ex-wife, and just assumed she was being silly on Facebook et al.

    Found out in the divorce process she was in fact sending explicit photos to men to feed her histrionic needs. By then I didn’t care but had I found out earlier, it would have saved me some money.

    So I get it – but based on your getting drunk message there’s some maturity issues.

  20. That depends entirely on who they are. My ex had a shit load of men on her search in Facebook at one point, but that was when she was looking for her biological family. These could be coworkers she’s checking out for scuzziness after they’ve been acting odd in the workplace. It could be actors she’s looking up, or potential local clients. You’ve given zero context outside of “guys on a search”, so this could literally be anything.

  21. I once checked my ex-girlfriend’s phone and found conversations with about 10 guys, of the type “oh daddy shall I make you come in my mouth like last time?” and “yeah I’m free at 5”

    Woke her up and kicked her out

  22. Ask myself why I’m so insecure I’m will to violate her privacy for affirmation.

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