Hi, so I booked a reservation at this really fancy, good restaurant I always wanted to go to and I’m pretty excited to go there. When I booked, the least number of people was 2 persons as an option.

I don’t know anyone in the city as I am a visitor but lately I’ve been talking to this seemingly nice guy online from a dating app 3 or 4 days before. We exchanged pics, I think he’s cute but I kind of had the impression that he wanted sex, I told him already that I’m not interested in sex as I am only looking for friendships and getting to know new people.

He agreed and said he would like that too. So I was thinking of inviting him to the restaurant today (my treat) and we get to know each other there while dining from there.

Note that I don’t know the guy yet and I will meet him for the first time.

Is this the right way to do? I’m only interested for friendships and then see where it goes.

I am attracted to him, and he seems like he is too.

What should I do? Is this dating thing right or am I doing something wrong? This is probably my first time asking a guy out for dinner. I don’t think it’s weird, what makes me hold back is the fact that he’s a guy I never met before.

What do you guys think? If not invite him then I’ll go alone… and just meet him somewhere for coffee as a plan B.

Just tell me what’s best to do. Thanks for the tips in advance.

  1. If your afraid it may look like your coming in to strong. Be nonchalant about the dinner. Tell him you’ve never asked a man to dinner but you couldn’t get a table for 1 and laugh. That’ll break the ice and you can relax from there.

  2. So as a guy, I’d say there’s nothing wrong with what you’re trying to do. I’d just be transparent about it. Say you’ve been wanting to go to this place since you’re in town and would love some company. Being casual like that will likely not weird him out since it sounds like a super fancy place for a first date haha

  3. Even as a man I wouldn’t buy a women a fancy dinner the first time meeting them. Ask him to pay half.

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