Hi all,

In short I’ve got quite bad anxiety. I’ve been working on it, and I’ve been trying to make friends at work. I get on with one girl in particular, and she’s always talked about me getting a girlfriend. Because of this, I’ll often her let do my swipes on dating apps as it’s something we do together and have a laugh over etc. Today her and another girl I work with we’re doing my swipes (not a big deal) but then they started cracking up over one girl in particular, saying she was perfect for me etc. However, when I asked why they refused to tell me and got rid of her profile straight away, which really got under my skin.

I messaged them to say I didn’t appreciate them making those sorts of jokes without letting me know the context behind it.

They’ve both apologised but now I’m worried this wasn’t as big of a deal as I made it out to be and I’ve made myself look insecure. Did I overreact?

Tldr: work friends we’re doing swipe on dating app and made jokes about me without letting me know the context. Should this have bothered me or did I overreact?

  1. Sounds like you did the mature thing and communicated your boundaries. Assuming you did so with respect, I think you did the right thing.

  2. Im agree with the other comment, I have social anxiety too and one thing my social worker learn me is to put your boundaries and the fact they are new friends make it easier since they will know since the start that you have boundaries.

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