Those two statements sound contradictory

  1. I think needy people come off as a liability that you want to get rid of but on the other hand asking for favours makes a connection and adds more to the relation

  2. I have heard this before, although I haven’t seen anything to back up this claim. But if I were to guess, it’s less about needing their help and more about making the person who is being asked for help feel valued.

  3. In my opinion asking for a favor isn’t necessary being needy, but to get someone to like you, you don’t have to ask for a favor. I guess..

  4. Needy people make their lives solely dependent on other people and rely on other people for constant attention, approval, validation, reassurance, etc. They beg and chase and demand people when people don’t give those things to them. Asking for a genuine favor is not that. You aren’t relying on people so much when you ask them for a genuine favor. If they are unavailable for whatever reason, you can move on or ask somebody else if need be.

  5. If you think you are needy, you will be needy. Instead think that people are happy to hear from me because I’m that awesome. You will communicate like you are just talking because it’s your personality

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