I have a bunch of cock rings I wear often and she loves the aesthetics but she just isn’t a fan of piercing…any ideas? I really want to get it done and have for a while now but this is all that is holding me back

Lmk pls and thank you
God bless

  1. Welp. I don’t know what to tell you. I’ve got a PA and got it when I was single.

    Do you think she’ll leave you? If that is the case, you need to decide if your piercing is more important than her. Also need to consider if that’s the type of person that you wanna be tied down too.

    Keep in mind. Afterwards you have to go without sex for a while and that will affect her too.

    if it were me I’d just do it and ask for forgiveness after. But I’m an asshole sometimes.

  2. Welp. I don’t know what to tell you. I’ve got a PA and got it when I was single.

    Do you think she’ll leave you? If that is the case, you need to decide if your piercing is more important than her. Also need to consider if that’s the type of person that you wanna be tied down too.

    Keep in mind. Afterwards you have to go without sex for a while and that will affect her too.

    if it were me I’d just do it and ask for forgiveness after. But I’m an asshole sometimes.

  3. my boyfriend isn’t the biggest fan of piercings or tattoos. but he respects my body and my choices and loves me regardless.

    if you really want it, get it

  4. She shouldn’t have to “let you” do anything to your own body. It’s your penis your decision. If she doesn’t like it then you two just aren’t compatible

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