My boyfriend and I have been together for 7 months. Still to this day I am constantly thinking about my boyfriends past relationship and experiences they have gone through together. For example, last weekend we went to his lake house together and I started getting random thoughts about if they had a better time together at the lake house then we are. I don’t know why I am so stuck on his past even though he never brings it up. It’s always me and I feel bad for it but I’d rather communicate it. He’s never cheated or done anything bad. I’m always looking at his exes social media and seeing what she’s up to and making sure she’s still in her current relationship. Maybe it’s because that was his first love but i’m not sure. How do I get over these feelings and let go of a past that isn’t even mine?

TL;DR- I’m too obsessed with my boyfriends past and don’t know how to let it go.

  1. I understand how you feel. These thoughts are not a joke- it can potentially ruin a perfect relationship. I think talking to him about it will make you feel much better. I always did the mistake of bottling things up and then just ugly crying and yelling when I’m drunk with my boyfriend, and I regret it so much.
    These days I feel like he’s just sick of me because of all the things I did and how I acted on to similar thoughts as yours.
    Trust me, talk to him. Just say how you feel in a respectful manner and he’ll understand. You’re not doing anything wrong, neither is he. After all, it is in the past and you’re in the present. I hope you can overcome this as soon as possible and have a great stay in the lake house it sounds wonderful ❤️

  2. First of all, stop watching his ex on socials. That’s kind of a social no-no, but more importantly it’s going to drive you nuts and *keep you constantly thinking about her*.

    Separate from that, do you have any exes yourself? Do you ever spend time thinking about things you enjoyed more with your exes over your current partner?

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