it’s my first time posting here but I’ll try to make it short. so I’ve (18f) known this guy (20m) for about 6months and met him thanks to my classmate who was his best friend. at first we texted a lot like 2 times a week or sometimes even 3. he used to be in the military and had the opportunity to be home once a week. when he was home he always texted me to invite me out and I never said no to him. I started to have feelings for him because he always showed interest in me. he also liked to drive me around the city which we did pretty often. last month he had to be away for 3weeks because of the military and we began to drift apart: less texting, less hanging out. he got out of the military last week and is now enjoying his summer vacation but we don’t talk that much anymore like we used to. does it seem like he liked me back and if yes, what should I do now? or what could be the reason why we don’t hang out anymore? is it maybe the fact that I never text him first and always wait until he does it? (gonna add that I’m not a dry texter and have never left him on delivered)

TL;DR drifted apart with a guy and don’t know the reason

1 comment
  1. Show some effort and show him that you’re interested in him still try to invite to hang out maybe once.or twice if he refuses for both then I think it’s time to move on and he’s no more interested
    Good luck you seem a wonderful person you deserve better!!

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