How can a girl deal with being underestimated or looked down in the workplace?

  1. Learn skills u need at work and other people cant do, update ur closet but keep it within ur age, show them ur active outside the work with things that are related to ur domain, dont be afraid to stand up against men

  2. Value yourself first – unless you are 12 or younger, you are no longer a girl, you are a woman. Think of yourself in that manner and refer to yourself as such. A positive, mature attitude and behavior will gain you respect. Be respectful and strive to earn people’s respect.

    Learn your job and do it well. Don’t be afraid to take on more work, particularly if it expands your knowledge. Learn about the company you work for and set your sights on advancing if you are happy where you work.

    Increase your vocabulary and then use it.

    Dress appropriately, be clean and well-groomed. Depending on the work culture obviously, appropriate dress is situational. If you are working at a more traditional company, purchase classic clothing You are better off having fewer clothes, but well made that will last you far longer than any trendy outfit will.

  3. Be smarter or an expert in something someone else don’t understand or have at work and outside of work. Have hobbies, talents, volunteer on a board, and have a life outside of work. Stand up for yourself or ignore jerks or call them out.

    I don’t work in my industry where I have experience and education anymore but I work easy gigs so I have time for my life and I notice some young girls get competitive with me even though I try my hardest to be a wallflower. I just smile and continue on with my hobbies, life, and travel. It actually makes some of them more jealous but I don’t care I am living life. I also learned to be a positive energy when I come to work. Acknowledge everyone even the lowest position like dishwashing and janitor. Ask them about themselves. Catch up on their hobbies and kids. Some people want to talk about their kids and interests. Or share jokes/humor, languages, and hobbies with you so listen to them and acknowledge them. Also one of my workplaces is just that, I have several workplaces where I am also good and positive/improv force at my jobs so I don’t worry about losing jobs. And because I am kind and make jokes with almost all my coworkers (I avoid the negative, gossip, and toxic personalities), they appreciate that because for them working 12-16 hours everyday is a grind and having some to laugh and treat them as a friend and acknowledge them, helps them to see that they are valued. I also tell coworkers when they are doing a good job. Even my superiors, I will let them know that they are doing a good job when they do certain things or give them feedback to help them. I watch out for them in a way and understand everyone is doing the best they can even the drug addicts. We are all coping and dealing with stresses and struggles. The goal for me is to do my best with what I am given. So when a manager is complaining about workers and not helping us, I just acknowledge anyone working hard and then do what I can to improv or keep the cog wheel moving until the event is over. Words get back that I am a hard worker and I complimented my coworkers for doing their best. Don’t worry about people underestimating you. Learn to acknowledge them and make people feel valued and good about their work/themselves/see qualities in them and they will come to see you as someone of value. People who underestimate come to find out “oh she can speak a couple different languages/phrases, she used to be a program manager, got her bs degree, worked at a youth shelter, was a shoe salesperson, was a film production assistant, oh she worked at 3 hotels, she can play the ukulele, likes to kayak, used to lift her body weight, was on a city board, travel countries, built houses for low income, etc…” and then they just realize how silly it is to compete with me because I was never in the competition to began with haha. People will come to find out how wonderful you are or how skilled you are. Learn to get to know people and stop worrying about what they think of you. Some people will surprise you that they were in the army, a paramedic, etc. Perception isn’t always reality. Sometimes you got to change your perspective and be good energy.

  4. Seeing so many distorted suggestions

    Keep your wardrobe in your age range…

    Please learn the skill of being assertive. Do not overwork yourself to prove a point, or to bloat your likeability at work. You can and will be replaced eventually.

    Hone you craft or skill. Be kind courteous but don’t be a doormat. Distance yourself from gossip. Fake your confidence until you make it. Build a nice relationship with your line manager, they will compliment you but show you the path to improvement.

    Be you whoever you are. The more fun you have being the less time you got to worry about small intricacies in life. Which allows for less tension on your mental health.

    Good luck to you ❤️

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