So I’m an 18yo male and I have a Date with an 18yo female. I’m very introverted and I always have a hard time making conversation so does anyone have some topics that are fun to talk about on the first date.

  1. ask questions. get to know them. What kind of music do you like, what’s your favorite movie, do you like art or are you into STEM, what are you going to school for, do you like video games, etc. etc. Share interesting stories related to whatever topic you’re currently on. It’s a first date so you’re most likely friends/acquaintances so just talk to them like you would anyone when you first get to know them.

  2. talking about pets. most people either have a pet or would like a pet, & those who don’t like animals are pretty rare. if it turns out she doesn’t like animals, that gives you an easy opportunity to turn the conversation over to her by saying something like “okay, so what are you interested in?” hope this helps!

  3. “what are you seeking from this first date?”

    “have you been on dates before? what were they like?”

    (get her to talk about herself, takes the pressure off you)

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