Just wanting to hear from husbands whose wives are SAHMs. What would you want for Father’s Day from your wife? I hate buying gifts for my husband because it feels like I’m just using his money to buy something he may or may not actually want. When he does actually want something, he just buys it himself. What can I do that still shows some thoughtfulness, but isn’t something I go to the store and buy? What would your ideal Father’s Day be from your SAHM wife?

  1. My wife got me flowers at work today. 🙂 It was an impractical gift and I honestly would have rather she save the money if she’d asked me. But it showed that she cared, and that meant the world to me!! A good husband knows even if he can buy the same things you can buy, the most meaningful gift is the thought. That you got him something and it was your idea! Also my wife got me the Lego R2-D2, so that’s never a bad idea either.

  2. So my wife one year bought some blanket wooden fishing lures from etsy and then at home she and my daughter painted them for me… I love them and I don’t use them

    Also have a duck call they had personally designed for me by someone from a flea market they meet.

  3. He gives me ideas and hints—usually things he wouldn’t be comfortable spending *our* money on just for himself.

  4. Something from the heart. I have gotten gifts over the years that mean the world to me. They most memorable are the ones from the heart. Some of my favorite are cards and the kids all wrote in there, I am sorta outdoorsy so I always get some kind of knife or tool. I think of them every time I see the items I got. I like useful trinkets.

  5. Steak and a blow job

    Seriously, I don’t need more stuff, and acts of service and touch are important to me, so back rubs, meals, an experience — like going fishing or hiking or whatever your man’s poison is — and things of the like are what I would want

    Bottle of good booze works too. I’m a 40/m, married for 14 for whatever that’s worth

  6. For me, I want a good meal and quality time with my wife and kid. My wife is a SAHM who also works 10-12 hours a week part time from home.

    I want to spend the day playing with my daughter, making her feel happy and connected to me. I want to spend the evening next to my wife on the couch, lightly rubbing her thigh or playing with her hair. Then we go to the bedroom and enjoy some intimacy.

    I don’t really care what kind of gifts I get. I just want to be reminded how lucky I am.

  7. It isn’t necessary for my wife to celebrate Father’s Day.

    I would prefer to not be reminded I get called by my first name and not Dad, for one day.

  8. My sister and I are drawing homemade cards.

    Her husband is a professional musician. He can play anything but he prefers a saxophone. She drew and painted a silhouette of him playing the sax.

    I’m drawing (attempting, I’m not that good) a landscape of a river running through the mountains. It represents one of our favorite places. One of the trees has a heart with our initials on it.

    Both guys will get gifts and their favorite meals; but we wanted to do something other than a traditional store bought card. We have been working on their cards for a few weeks. My sister’s is done and mine still needs a bit.

  9. I got my husband a bunch of video games. He keeps a list of ones he wants and I picked a dozen and will give those to him from me and our 2 kids. He will pick what he wants for dinner, and we will basically just do what he wants that day. We’ll be having sex the night before but I’ll offer a BJ.

  10. Have the kids help in any activities for the day, breakfast in bed, be a caddy for golf. Go for a walk as a family (nature hike). All he wants is acknowledgement and appreciation. Gifts of time and appreciation go way farther than material goods. Talk to your kids and there will be an idea.

  11. My husband is not materialistic and hates gifts so we usually take him out to lunch or dinner for Father’s day or on his birthday. My husband loves chess so my daughter and I are baking him a chess cake to year.

  12. Father day is a joke. You should be a great father…it’s a default position. I prefer to just not celebrate it all.

    Jim Gaffigan said it best, “When you compare that to the male’s contribution to life, it’s kind of embarrassing, really.”

  13. I know this is graphic, but you asked.

    Kids at the grandparents, wife in a t-shirt and nothing else. Her walking up and whispering in my ear, I want you to cum in every hole.

  14. A baked cake, share a drink, something fun in the bedroom.

    But a bit more to your point, I’m frugal and don’t buy much for myself. If she buys me a gift that I want that I didn’t think to buy myself, I appreciate it. It doesn’t matter who earned the money.

  15. My wife isnt a SAHM ,im the SAHD for the moment but we see all money as our money. I actually dont like getting material gifts. My wife never asks me what I want. What I truly want is a good dinner( a good stea would be great) and some really good sex. Specially if she spices it up a little extra for me. Thats it. If I get that it would be the best day ever.

  16. I dont like it. I dont need a prize a reward or gift for being a Dad, it’s a responsibility that I have to live up too, it doesnt feel right to me. It’s like when the kids get a sticker for learning how to read, being able to read is the reward. Some greeting card company invents a day to sell some stuff and we feel under pressure and obligated to do it, I’m.not doing it, I tell my kids not to bother, but they do anyway! Having said that I still get my mum a mothers day card, and wouldnt dare forget!

    Just realised that doesnt answer your question at all, probably becuase I have no idea.

  17. I’d say, I’d want to hear how hot, handsome I am, butt grabs through the day, dress up sexy for us and give a full body massage that ends in seggy time. Also I’m a SAHD and married for 15 years and we both want something we just buy it. I love stuff made from my kids even if it mostly my wife doing it. I also don’t care so much for my birthday or Father’s Day I’d rather take my kids and go do something they like and play w them and act like a huge kid that I am.

  18. Normal weekend day hanging out with wife and son; followed by a spicy night with my wife in lingerie and heels and maybe I get to tie her up. 😈

  19. I buy my own presents and have wife and kids weap them. I get what i want for a good proce and if i buy early enough, i am surprised!

  20. Actually what I want most would just be some isolation. Before we had kids, I’d go to McDonald’s (cause I’m classy like that) and drink coffee, read, watch NFL games on my phone, just whatever. I haven’t been able to do that in a long time, unless it’s really early in the morning or late at night, when everybody else is still sleeping. Being able to do that in the middle of the afternoon would be amazing.

  21. I wanted to go on an offroad trip just for the day, on Saturday, the day before Father’s day. My wife was upset because it was Fathers day weekend and I was leaving her alone with the kids on Saturday.

    The point is to let him do something he enjoys.

  22. Fewer chores for one day, a drink to share, and sexy time.

    My wife refuses sexy time on Father’s day though because she says I should be hanging out with my kids all day. It has nothing to do with her or sex. That just downright crushed me and made me feel very unappreciated, actually.

  23. Make something for him with the kiddos! I’m a nanny and I try to make small gifts for holidays

  24. While every man is different I am always happy for beer, candy, or some good food. If my wife buys me something I don’t feel like it’s using my money since she watches the kids all day. With that said we are not huge gift givers and prefer to buy our own things.
    I would love a day going to the beach, relaxing with the family, and having some drinks.

  25. Good steak and onions. Then a pair off handcuffs. Tie me to the bed and take advantage of me?

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