Basically I’m going to a film and comicon in a few weeks and one of my absolute favourites is going to be there. I want to pay for a meet/autograph, and ask if he’ll sign next to a relevant tattoo I have so I can then get his autograph tattooed on. I’m already heavily tattooed, but I’m not sure about this because I’m well aware the area needs to be cleaned first prior to then stencil or freehand being done. Would the cleaning wipe away the Sharpie ink? Has anyone done anything like this before and it worked out well? Thank you!

  1. I know someone who got exactly what you are describing done – asked Alan shearer to sign a tattoo of him then got the signature tattooed on.

    So it’s definitely possible, I’ll leave it to a professional to advise on the safety of it though as knowing the guy he might well have asked Kev down the pub to do it while he still had a pint in his other hand.

  2. I mean you can do it yourself there and then if you’re brave enough and you have a sanitised safety pin.

    Don’t do this btw.

  3. Yes, even if someone has written on your leg you can still get that pokemon tattoo you have always wanted

  4. I’d suggest getting them to sign it and then take some good pictured to show the artist so they can recreate it

    If they tattoo over the top of the sharpie you’re going to have a bunch of not so fun chemicals injected into you. Wouldn’t recommend

  5. Chances are that writing directly on to your leg won’t go as well, with it not being flat and oil/hair making it look shitty.

    Sign a piece of paper and copy it. The tattooist can use that for the transfer on to your skin easily enough.

  6. This is so fucking dumb.

    Humanity cannot die off fast enough. We peaked in the 90’s.

  7. I have no advice, I’m just curious who the celebrity/actor/etc in question is.

  8. If you’re heavily tattooed then surely you know that the artist can just print a scan onto a transfer and use that to work from? They’ll need to shave and clean the area, an ink signature will just get rubbed off.

    Also, ignore the people being rude about it. I can see the sense in getting a signature tattooed next to the piece on your leg.

  9. Yesterday’s heat must of made everyone grumpy as fuck! You do you mate, it’s your leg and if it makes you happy to get the tatt then do it. Personally I’d get the autograph on a piece of paper. The tattoo artist will be able to use that. Good luck and have fun dude.

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