So there’s this guy I really like. Long story short, after his show we had sex at his studio. I had been drinking that night so I was pretty drunk. I remember being in doggy position and him eating me out. I didn’t think that I blacked out but my asshole really hurt in the morning. I had never done anal before. Today I actually checked it in the mirror and it looks slightly larger and slightly injured. I wanna ask him if we did anal but that wouldn’t change whether or not we did. Plus, I think it would look really unattractive if I literally didn’t remember my first time doing anal. So yeah, I’m pretty sure we did anal but I don’t really remember. I feel like I would have been bleeding more. I would really appreciate advice on how to treat my ass and what self care I should do!

  1. If you really want to know and won’t forgive yourself in 5 years if you didn’t know that was your first time you should ask. If you think the relationship will be more long-term you don’t have to ask right now you could ask in a few weeks. Your ass doesn’t need much care. Just use moisturizing products; vaseline, lotion, possibly numbing or anti-itch cream if needed.

  2. First thing is… If he penetrated you anally or did anything else without your consent it is unequivocally wrong..

    You asked for tips on self care… I will say something that may be rather controversial..

    It’s not safe to be so drunk that you don’t remember what happened.. Particularly something like anal sex!

    I am not trying to sound judgmental or censorious.. I am not sure how wise it is to not drink so much that you are not sure what is going on..things could have been far worse..

    Something to think about..

  3. For self care I’d recommend a little Advil and some a wipes with “Witch-hazel” like Tucks.

  4. As I said.. Every step needs to be consensual..

    It is very responsible of you to acknowledge that you sometimes you go overboard with drinking.. You are very young.. Hopefully you figure it out.. Be safe and be happy.. 😊

  5. Sounds shady he’d try to have sex with you when you blacked out. There would be no way you could consent or if it hurt you, etc. Sounds like rape.

  6. Witchhazal and unscented aloe on a pad and put that in your panties and it works wonders.

  7. Sounds like you have a fun night and had some butt sex to me lol … anything that works for hemorrhoids will help your sore booty hole. Next time you wanna do it and remember I’ll give you some advice. Make sure it’s well lubricated that will keep the soreness to a minimum and when he going in you need to push out a little bit like you are trying to fart … i know it sounds gross but that will help you enjoy it more with less pain … enjoy 😉

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