Original Post: https://www.reddit.com/r/relationships/comments/v81a38/girlfriend_16f_losing_interest_or_am_i16m/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share

UPDATE: We broke up a few days ago. She said she
needed a break with all the stuff going on in her life
which completely understand. Though, it doesn’t
hurt any less even if I understand. I still love her a lot
and don’t know what to really do from here. It just
sucks that couldn’t really do anything except be
there for her. We’re still cool as friends and we still
talk. It just hurts.

tl;dr We broke up and it just sucks

1 comment
  1. Sometimes, it’s just wrong place, wrong time. Sorry, dude. Consider going low/no contact with her for a while – it usually makes healing a lot faster and smoother than staying in contact with her. Just like she broke up because it was the best for her, it’s also your right to step away (at least for some time) from a friendship because it’s best for you.

    And then just grieve – which is fine – and try to fill your life with new things and new people. Use the time you would have normally spent with her to do something for yourself. Go to the gym or just on walks, start a new hobby, binge-watch the show you always wanted to watch but never had time for, hang out with friends. Just keep living. It’ll be hard at first and it’s also okay to cry in bed, as long as you keep on moving (on).

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