I guess I’m looking for solidarity and also wondering if I’m missing something. With inflation and gas prices, I cannot afford to do anything, much less pay my bills on time. I’m working overtime, picking up extra shifts, and have cut out every unnecessary expense. Prices rise every day and the changes I am making don’t seem to matter at all. I feel embarrassed about my financial situation and I guess I’m wondering how many people are feeling the same.

Edit: I am in my mid 20s and missed the chance to go to grad school when covid hit.

  1. I went to undergrad and then law school.

    I got a job. Then I got another job. Then another. Then another. Each paid more than the last.

    I married a woman who also makes money.

    12 years ago we made $90,000 combined. Last year we made about $600,000.

  2. No kids, no debt except for about 3k of student loans which I can pay off if not forgiven. These price increases aren’t fun but we’re in a good place to weather this storm

  3. I don’t live in an overly expensive area and i live within my means

    Once student debt payments resume I’ll be in trouble tho

  4. I spent the last ten years buying a house.

    No no. Not mortgaging a house. *Buying* a house.

    A lot of people didn’t have the chance, whether because they just hit their 20s or lower pay in their field. But I did, and now it costs me almost nothing to live. Best thing I ever did.

  5. Graduated college with zero debt, and have been working a decent paying government job in a low cost of living area for 12 years. Bought a vehicle in 2011, bought a house in 2012, bought another vehicle in 2020, bought a new sofa and recliner that will be delivered sometime in the next 4 hours, have 2 dogs, etc. Living fairly comfortably.

  6. I had some rough times about 7+ years ago, so I can sympathize but things are good for me these days. My career’s in a good spot.. own a townhouse as of last year and save about 25%+ of my gross income.

    A good paying job makes all the difference. Low pay treadmill is tough.

  7. Two working parents with decent incomes. It’s not “fuck everything” money and we budget,
    especially with a mortgage and kids, but it’s manageable.

    We have decided to wait on some needed work on the house. It isn’t critical but this is also probably not the time to do it.

    Even my buddies working hourly in trades or service industry are making it work. They just have much less margin for saving or entertainment or travel. They are the ones really getting squeezed.

    Fun fact: this miserable economy has gotten three of my friends to give up smoking. Saves a pretty penny.

  8. Single and no kids. No debt. Own my house . Can’t say the economy is affecting me much , but I’m cheap and antisocial. I would rather save money then set a foot in a crowded store .

  9. Unfortunately, the sad reality is a lot of Americans live paycheck to paycheck and lack any meaningful savings. This is a systemic problem that needs to be addressed. Personal finance is taught in homes, not in school, which has led to an abundance of financially illiterate adults.

    Love him or hate him, Dave Ramsey’s financial and debt concepts should be a cornerstone of financial education. For those struggling with debt, struggling in times of inflation, or struggling to budget, his teachings are for you.

  10. Food and gas inflation are relatively small portions of our overall household budget.

    But we’re middle aged dual income farts with a very stable life, and it wasn’t always like that.

    When I was young I remember days when I couldn’t afford dog food until my next meager paycheck and being so ashamed of myself for my financial position.

    I know it’s hard to see it, but you’re really at the hardest time (financially) for most people. But living being careful to not rack up major debts (credit card, missed loan payments) you’ll be out of this period before you know it.

    And don’t worry so much about what other people are doing. You go at your pace, and set your own goals.

  11. I learned how to cook eggs, beans and rice really well and I have a Roomate to make rent more affordable. Also don’t make unnecessary expenses and don’t eat out. It’s just going to get worse until the republicans take over again since democrat policies tend to involve a lot of spending which is bad for inflation.

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