Women who have dates and met guys via online dating apps , are any of you aware about the amount of matches they get or the other women they are dating from the apps or this information is not discussed at all? Just curious

  1. Honestly, never actually get into that because of y’all get serious and you are a jealous kind of a person, might not end up good for you

  2. Met my SO on hinge. We didn’t ever discuss it, and actually now (2+ years into the relationship) candidly mentioned how at the time when we first matched, I ended up being my boyfriend’s first and only date to come from online apps — which I was surprised by!

  3. The only guy I had a variation of that conversation with I ended up marrying so…lol

    He said he had only just started with apps again and I was the first date he had and had been wondering how long dating would “take” to either find someone or get so frustrated he gave up on the whole process again.

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