Girl showed interest and asked a for a second date then few days later says we should just be friends

Met this girl through a friend. She’s introverted and has never been in a relationship before. I’m too scared to hit on her so my friend tells her “he thinks you’re cute” and she tell him back “his face is cute too” about me.

So a few days later I follow her on Instagram and we chat and set a date at a cafe. The great went good, lasted like 12 hours, met some of her friends and they were like vetting me lol. Halfway through the date when it’s just me and her, she asks me if I’m free on another day to meet up again, of course I say yes, so we set another date up at the same cafe. Things go good she’s showing interest and it was a good date. After the date she texts saying how she had a lot of fun and she will see me at 10am on the next date. We chat a bit on Instagram, but she starts giving slower replies but I think nothing of it because there are exams coming up.

Then one day she texts saying she’s really busy and cancels the date that she initiated. I say it’s ok and we can figure it out after exams are done. Then she texts me the next day saying even though she had fun during the first date, she got more friend vibes from me and we should just stay as friends.

Why did she show interest in the first place and initiate a second date if she only liked me as a friend?
Just wanted to get other peoples opinion on what happened, it sucks but life goes on.

  1. Because girls change their minds 100x a day, red-flag crazy girl warning if she suddenly changes it back again. Best cut your losses or lock in a stressful fwb because YOU don’t want a part of that 😅

  2. Maybe her friends didn’t like you for whatever reason, maybe she changed her mind, maybe she met someone else

  3. Bit weird u meet her friends right away. Hope u didn’t buy everyone drinks etc. I think u stayed over too long. First meet shouldn’t be too long because everyone is nervous and u want start a connection not bore them to death. Next time mix up what u do. Go cafe for a little bit then go for a walk etc. And I think after the chat u should avoid over mesg someone u like it looks forceful and looks desperate. So after a first date send a quick nice mesg if u liked her. Then let her process the date. And reach out. Also meeting up with her friends puts u under pressure right away they could pressure her ” you could do better” “he ugly” etc.

  4. That’s dating my friend. She went out with you. Didn’t vibe with you the way you wanted. It happens man. Your not the one she’s looking for. NEXT!

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