My friend met a celeb she liked (he isn’t that well known but has been acting for many years). Later that night after she had spent some time with him (platonically) she got a friends request from an Instagram account that was a play on words with her first name in it (her name isn’t that common). She had commented on his assistants post and a few hours later got the request. It seemed to be just created. 1 follower. Not private but no posts. Following celebs that would probably come up as soon as you create the profile. Then as the weeks went by this profile was following some of the movies he was recently making and the actors in them. One who had a recent pic of him and one of the actors. Also now following models that are his type. Just seemed too coincidental with the timing of the follow request and the name on the profile. I told her not to overthink it because you might never know and he also said he hates Instagram. She checks it everyday. What do you think? Just thought it was interesting. He doesn’t have an official account because he says he doesn’t like social media.

  1. Did your friend meet this celeb and then follow him on instagram? Because this is how scammers get you. They pretend to be the celeb on a different instagram and this sounds really dodgy. Whats this got to do with social skills?

  2. I get the fan girl fantasy, but that is all this is. I mean, take the celeb piece out of this and the situation just seems bizarre.

  3. Sounds sketchy, like the jealous assistant using inside info to trick her. It could be a really good movie plot.
    Or this dude is actually psychotic, like trying to take her to the new Epstein island messed up. They’ve met in real life once and now hes making fake ig accounts to fallow her. Like naming it after her too is some shit.
    So my bets are
    1)its just not him
    2) your friend is about to be sold

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