What was the creepiest thing a woman had said/done to you?

  1. Poison me with Lysol and whisper curses in my ear while I sleep.

    Spoiler: I lived.

  2. During a group exercise in a college some crazy chick (5/10) literally walked me into a corner yelling at me to help her group win. She backed me against a wall, threw both arms against the walls on each side of my head and told me to kiss her. I’m nothing more than an average looking dude — I was just killing it in the exercise for my group and she wanted a better grade. I had to yell for the professor. It was flattering yet extremely frightening and I don’t know how to process it still to this day.

  3. Woke up getting my duck swallowed felt like I have been taken advantage of 🥹😂

  4. She shit my bed. Anyways I would tell you more but I have to shoot a few scenes for me new movie.

  5. Followed me around for 2 weeks while not realizing she can’t hide well and I would see her side eyeing me everywhere I went for a while. It was creepy as fuck.

  6. Prospective girlfriend have been hugging me tightly, kissing and calling me “daddy”. I didn’t mind until I met her dad-guy was an older version of me . I ditched her kinky ass.

  7. Back in high school I had a ‘secret admirer’ who broke into my locker to redecorate it valentine style

    So I am a bit alarmed someone would do that, but also curious who was so motivated for me

    When I finally discovered who it was….?

    Oh hell no!! 😡

  8. I went on a date with a girl from OKCupid, and she showed up at my job the next day.

  9. Sat in my lap grinding on my dick in the middle of lunch at highschool because she wanted to piss off my sister.

  10. I’ve had several women walk up to me in bars and clubs, grab me by the crotch and say they want to fuck. Then when I react with surprise and disgust, they start yelling homophobic slurs at me for not responding positively to their advances.

    No you creeps, I’m 100% into women. Just not ones who sexually molest me as an ice breaker.

  11. I was in my class and casually looked around and found this girl staring at me deeply. It was like she was staring at me for the past 2 minutes, that stare where we lock eyes into a particular object and feel uncomfortable to look away for some time

  12. Raped me in my sleep.

    I thought I was dreaming, woke up to find that I was in fact not.

    Its how I lost my virginity and probably messed me up a bit but given teenage hormones and her decent level of attractiveness things rapidly became consensual

  13. Picked my nose. I was standing holding two drinks in a nightclub and she came and stuck her finger up, had a good dig, then left.

  14. A 60-70 year old obese woman told me that she had a hysterectomy so I could cum in her as much as I wanted to.

  15. My wife showing me her primary school photo (she was 9-10 years old in the pic) and said, “Did you ever imagine you’d be having sex with her”.

    What she said, and obviously what she meant are two very different things, but it was creepy as hell.

  16. My old boss took me to hers when I was fucking blackout hammered n slept with me.

  17. She told me (after break up) she had STDs – which we’d discussed whilst together and she said she had none.

    I was a regular blood donor, had regular STD checks, but a shitty thing to do.

  18. I had posted this before as well but here it goes.

    I was on tinder when I moved to a new City / Country, to meet new people or even date. Matched with a girl, who had no picture – the conversation went really well, and we decided to meet up. She mentioned she didn’t put up her pictures because of privacy reasons. (Fair enough, not uncommon in this part of the world).

    I meet her at a bar, very pretty girl – everything goes smoothly, at the end of the night she invites me back to her place to have more drinks since the bar was closing. I agree, head down – and a very fancy car with a driver waiting for us. (I am all ready to retire and live as a house husband already in my head).

    Next thing we are at her luxurious house, many expensive cars and house staff around – go to her bedroom, has a proper bar in there – This is a bit too good to be real, but let’s see what happens. At the end of the night, we end up sleeping together (Had sex for those of you thinking we just ended up falling asleep, no – Little jhonny got some action).

    The next morning, I wake up and she is making plans with me in bed around how she will take me out and show me around since I am new here, I get into the shower and I am thinking about how to announce my retirement and be a loving husband when I hear her call me out and say she won’t be able to show me around today as …..*hold your breath* …..Her husband is arriving earlier than planned.

    She said this as causally as it gets, while I am standing with water dripping down my balls (Or sweat out of nervousness and fear) thinking what the actual f***? – So I asked her why didn’t she tell me she is married, and her response was “Ohh, I didn’t think it was relevant.” .

    I excused myself, and told her I am really sorry but I don’t like getting involved in such situations and I wouldn’t want to continue this (Said this with a heavy heart knowing my retirement plans are now out of the window, and I’ll have to go back to working my ass off).

    But here is where it gets creepy – for the next 4 months, this woman harassed me. She would constantly text me to meet her, called me from random numbers, left messages, offered me money, literally sending me pictures of cash, etc. Just to meet her and have sex, it was traumatizing. She become extreme threatning at the end, that she would harm herself or me if I didnt comply to her wishes etc. thankfully she just fizzled away after 4 months or so, potentially found someone else. It was extremely uncomfortable. Phew.

  19. Old store manager tried to feel on me multiple times when no one was around. She tried one time and someone walked in as she was trying to run her hands up my back as I was doing an audit of the back room. She stopped after that incident. I was 19-20 so I didn’t know any better on how to defend myself in that situation.

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