to preface, i love my girlfriend, she’s great and makes me really happy. she mentioned lately that she wanted to get piercings in different places, notably belly button and second ears. i don’t have anything at all against second ears, but i can’t say i’m a fan of belly button and most nose piercings, although i don’t hate them. i do have a thing against septum piercings, but that’s not the point. she wants to get them, and i want her to be happy, but i would also kinda prefer she didn’t and i don’t want to hurt her by saying that directly, in case she really wants to get them. is there anything i could say that would communicate that i’d prefer she didn’t without making her think she that i don’t like them? as i said, it’s not a deal breaker at all, i love her too much, but it’s just a personal preference i have. thanks

  1. “If you want or need to get them I fully understand and support you. If you’re ever asking if *I* think you should get something, I think you’re perfect as you are – so only if it’s something that makes you happy.”

  2. I mean, you can tell her that you don’t like piercings personally, but you can’t tell her not to get them. It’s her body and she can do whatever she likes with it, your personal preferences aside. You should highlight the fact that you understand this and love her whatever she chooses to do, when you do tell her about this preference.

  3. It’s her choise, which you btw have clearly stated. But it is always your own opinion and you might not like Them..and it is ok to tell her, that you don’t like them

  4. If you really like her, because she’s an awesome person or whatever reason, is a little piece of metal going to change the way you feel about her? She’s still the same person. Just let it go.

  5. Maybe just make sure she goes to someone extremely talented and professional, like an APP member. Perhaps you may not like piercings because a lot of times, they can be performed incorrectly/jewelry choice is trashy and not accommodating to personal features. You should support her 100%, even go above and beyond, definitely go to her appointment with her. I bet that would mean the absolute world to her, and the experience of going into it so positively will definitely strengthen your bond and relationship. Best of luck and I hope you can look at the situation with a new perspective 🤗

  6. Be honest if she asks what you think. But support it is her body, her decision. No, don’t surreptitiously try to neg piercing- that is controlling.

  7. Don’t try to control her just so she can match YOUR preferences

    She’s a person not your personal blow up doll

  8. Just tell her what you don’t like – especially if it is something specific – like a nose piercing. That way your opinion can (counter) balance her desires. If you hate it later spare her the immediate opinion and give it a chance.

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