So a few days ago me (23M) and my girlfriend (24F) started having sex as usual and all was great as always. Well it had been about a day since she showered (this will be important soon). After a few minutes of her riding me I leaned up and wrapped my arms around her and started sucking on her tits. Then she lifted her arms up and grabbed the back of her head and then the smell of her armpits hit me. It was like something primal in me came out. It was almost like I was hypnotized and all I could think about was the smell and by balls started aching. I kept sucking on her tits because I didn’t want to make it obvious but it was driving me crazy. A few seconds later I had the most mind-blowing orgasm I had ever had. It was so powerful and it felt like it lasted forever. It was the best sex of my life.


Ever since then, all I can think about are her armpits. I just want to smell them and lick them. I’m afraid to being this up to her because it seems kind of weird and I’m not sure if this is a very common kink. Do any of you find this weird?

  1. It’s not weird. There is even science that backs the whole into BO thing, etc.

    Just tell her dude. Tell her she smells amazing to you and that her natural self is addictive and you want to be all up in that and have amazing orgasms with her. šŸ™‚

  2. Scent attraction is straight out of the 1970s “Joy Of Sex”. Obviously that area produces a lot. It appears your GF has a scent you enjoy a lot. Not every partner does.

  3. It’s not weird, it’s pheromones. More common than you’d think.

    I think a good way to approach it is how much you love her body smell, and that when she doesn’t shower her body smell gets stronger and you like it a lot. Start there maybe? šŸ¤·

  4. I’m aroused by my wife’s armpit odor, and I’ve told her. Not sure if it’s weird or not.

  5. Thatā€™s not weird at all! Our BO is packed full of pheromones that we repress with deodorant and perfume so most donā€™t realize how arousing it can be.

    Admittedly, sometimes when my wife skips a shower, I think her vagina odor can be pretty arousing.

    I work 50 hours a week doing construction, and often times I catch my wife wearing/sniffing my shirts. She said it stinks, but it just smells like HER man. Which apparently means it stinks good lol.

  6. Youā€™re stating it as armpit smell but youā€™ll find that same smell any place she sweats. Itā€™s pheromones. You like her scent bro you donā€™t have an armpit kink. Haha

  7. i get this feeling and fuck not telling her
    pin her arms up
    take it all in
    tell her you crave her
    then savage her with the drive you get from it

  8. Dude. Tell her you want a ā€œPit Stopā€ done on you with her armpit! You may be too young to know. Look up WWF Nasty Boys move Pit Stop. It will be awesome. And yes the natural smell of my wife Drives Me Nuts!! Itā€™s natural!

  9. I was confused recently because I had a guy bury his face in my armpits and almost seem kind ofā€¦disappointed that they just smelled like deodorant. This post is giving me some clarity.

  10. Itā€™s valid. In chemistry class, this guy used to sit infront of me and he always played soccer at lunch. So, heā€™d come in smelling a little sweaty and I remember being super attracted to it

  11. not weird at all, my boyfriend literally huffs my ass crack and arm pits. you can tell her exactly what you told us, it honestly might boost her confidence a little. when my boyfriend first started smelling my ass i was a little shocked but now it honestly turns me on A LOT. added bonus it makes me feel really good about myself and safe with him in a very odd way, she might have a similar reaction. theres something flattering about a man liking your natural smell. he didnt know he had this kink until we started working out together LOL. dont worry or overthink it!!

  12. I DEFINITELY get turned on by a guyā€™s musk. My current partner doesnā€™t use shampoo or deodorant and my god his smell is so sexy to me.

    Same with my ex. If he got a little bit musky, not like a post workout smell but just not freshly bathed, mmmm!

  13. Honestly Iā€™d be kind of relieved if a guy told me this was his kink, underarm sweat is something I get self conscious of during sex

  14. Not weird at all

    If I’m into a guy I like their smell a lot, like it turns me on

  15. I love my boyfriends armpits , he doesnā€™t think itā€™s weird so I just stick my face in there and take a deep breath every now and again.

  16. I have actually heard of people being sexually attracted to that sort of thing. Hehehe Not as common I think, but not rare either. It’s out there. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤·šŸ½

    Either way just tell her exactly what you told us here on Reddit and see how she responds. I think she’d be flattered you love her scent that much and even more so if it was the best sex of your life, and it was with HER! I’d think she’d be very happy to hear that. šŸ™‚šŸ‘ŒšŸ½ Good luck dude!

  17. These comments made me realize something. I was sitting on my bed with my friend and I had just come back from practice (a little sweaty and my deodorant wore off) and he all of a sudden got really cuddly. Not too long after that he asked me out and eventually told me it was that day that he realized he had feelings for me. Is that what happened here?

  18. I love smelling my husband after he’s been at work all day, he showers every morning and uses deodorant but about 12-14 hours later he smells slightly sweaty and the deodorant is less potent and it’s a very nice smell to me. I’m usually in a good place to then gently bite his biceps which is a good way to turn him on. I don’t like strong BO but his smell mixed is lovely to me.

  19. Bro maybe ease into it, tell her to not shower because it masks her natural smell, and you love her natural smell, then smell her all over her body and casually move onto the armpit every now and then, she won’t think it’s weird because you’re smelling everywhere

    Then if she seems comfortable and accepting you can eventually start smelling the specific areas, and maybe on a date night when you’re tipsy you can go for the lick and see if she likes it or not, otherwise tell her it’s a joke at first and later on admit that you’re really into it

    Just test the waters dude, I’m sure she won’t judge you if you don’t go too far too quick

  20. that’s so sweet you like her pheromones! it means you two are seriously physically compatible

  21. My drives my boyfriend crazy as wellšŸ¤­ I loved it when he shared it with mešŸ˜€

  22. I posted same experience a while ago. My husband recently started this. I did feel weird initially because he would go crazy I donā€™t take shower and raise hands during sex. He loves missionary with licking both armpits. I felt too vulnerable to let me do it but it was good. And it became more aggressive that he smells and rubs his dick to armpits and says he is fucking them. He says he goes crazy with that smell and regress not paying attention from earlier. Then now when Iā€™m on top he made me smell and lick his and everything at first felt weird but he is 6feel and muscular looking at him literally requesting me to show my armpits and smells and praises and would just do anythng for it makes me so wet so I give myself fully . He even smells ass and my neck . Also he will make me tie my hair showing armpits on top and itā€™s an instant mood booster for him. He is obsessed with my armpits now I feel so vulnerable doing all this but he is hot while requesting me or convincing me so I give away myself šŸ„°

  23. Natural pheromones. If she doesnā€™t shave her armpits, itā€™s even better. Not necessarily stronger but more natural. Just like the pubes, hair and smells are natural and useful.

  24. I love smelling my boyfriend, he has that particular smell around his mouth when he’s horny or receptive and it drives me crazy. He likes to joke about it when he realises I’m smelling him, not that I’m subtle and I don’t care, it’s just teasing. It’s all fine.

  25. It’s normal. But if you want to ease into it you can walk around the point a while by saying that you enjoy the kind of primal, sweaty, dirty sex you had the other night. That way you can test it out for yourself without being specific right away but still being honest.

    I, for instance, tried out if I really liked giving facials by saying to ny then gf that I found it hot that it got a bit messy last time we had sex so I could get used to the thought myself.

  26. I had an ex that used to do this a lot, stick his big ass face into my lil armpit. He liked describe himself as feral and being into peoples natural scent/pheromones. Which i wholeheartedly agree with. Iā€™m all into primal sex.

  27. Not weird. I loved the smell of my ex, like nothing else. Lol, would have gladly planted my nose in his pits for most of the day šŸ˜‚

  28. My husband told me one day he liked mine. It was a very weird Convo but I actually like it. He said he was scared he would get caught smelling them and he couldn’t resist them anymore and told me. I am very open so I just said ok if you like it then I don’t think it is weird. Now it turns me on when he smells them lol.

  29. I have a smell kink (not sure the actual term for it is) but usually the smell of my partner would just turn me on, that automatically goes away once we break up and stuff tho.

    My ex and I have kids so we used to meet up so he can spend time with them. And I remeber just be disgusted with him near me. Not that he was stinky as in a he hasn’t showered or anything but his natural smell just grossed me out now compared to when I love with him.

    Certain scents turn me on or remind me of people who turned me on in the past.

  30. I love the scent of the female armpit. Especially if it’s hairy.

    Don’t be shy. Stick your nose in there and inhale the rich, heady fumes.

  31. My wife grew her armpits out and it drives me fucking crazy now. Never cared before when they were shaved. Enjoy!

  32. While I donā€™t personally want to lick my boyfriendā€™s armpits, the smell drives me insane.. Youā€™re not weird, itā€™s pheromones and science and itā€™s pretty common from what Iā€™ve heard!

  33. Natural pheromones are what we’re supposed to be aroused by.
    Take her jogging & see what your mutual sweat does to each others sex drive.
    Why do you think gyms are actually meeting places?
    Physical exertion sets our libido in overdrive too.

  34. My bf is like that too and Iā€™m ok with that because it feels good to me too. It is normal!

  35. I’m clean living ,and keep myself clean,and hot blooded,I sweat a lot.
    Every single woman I’ve been with has told me how attractive a manly sweat can be.Being told makes me so much more comfortable about it.
    Tell her,it’ll be fine.Feel OK about it,if it isn’t fine,it’s because you think you are kinky,and feel uncomfortable,which she willl pick up on.

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